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My life is going to drastically change in the next 9 months, but I am beyond excited for these changes. I am fully confident in my relationship with Caleb and that God will hold our marriage together as long as…


Anxious Heart

We all have something that we struggle with. One of my biggest struggles is anxiety or stress. Somehow I manage to make the minutest details seem catastrophic. So in order to avoid this I try to plan as far in…


Nelson Mandela

Something about the word “settling” has always made me uneasy. There are a plethora of areas in life in which you have the ability to “settle.” Relationships, jobs, joy, etc. I am aware that complete perfection does not exist, but…


More Than Gold (Days 127-130)

Because I love your commands more than gold, more than pure gold, and because I consider all your precepts right, I hate every wrong path. Your statutes are wonderful; therefore I obey them. The unfolding of your words gives light;…


A Past

We all have them; we all have been through or experienced something that no one else could ever understand or imagine experiencing. Each person you meet has been drastically impacted by something that they personally encountered. But because our world…


Time to Act (Days 124-126)

Oh how I love the words above and the verses below. They speak so truly in my life and I pray for discernment daily. As you go line by line through the following verses, take a moment and truly ponder…


Life is like a Cup of Coffee

My dad shared this video with me today and naturally, being the coffee lover that I am, I had to share it with you! Hope you enjoy it as much as I do! [youtube=]  



It finally feels like this is all real. Our “Save the Dates” have been sent, people have been responding, majority of our vendors are booked and Caleb moves out to Dallas in January!  Today is our 300 day mark! We…


(Days 121-123)

121 I have done what is righteous and just;     do not leave me to my oppressors.  122 Ensure your servant’s well-being;     let not the arrogant oppress me.  123 My eyes fail, looking for your salvation,     looking for your righteous promise.  Psalm 119:121-123 



Incase you have not gathered yet, I cannot wait to begin life with my best friend. While planning for our wedding it is easy to get caught up in the flowers, the photos and every little detail possible. But one…


Be Still

“Be still, and know that I am God” Psalm 46:10


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