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Posts by this author:

Mother/Daughter Wedding Weekend

The past two weeks have been crazy! One week was crazy due to school and this past week was crazy in a sense that we got a lot of wedding details and vendors planned! While technically Caleb and I have…


Omnipotent (Days 89-91)

Each morning as I sit and read our verse of the day I typically have stories, memories, thoughts or something come to mind as I read each verse. Sometimes I share my thoughts in a post, other times I just…


Daily (Day 85-88)

Each day is filled with trials and things that oppose God’s law… Do you know God’s word well enough to recognize them when they come your way? 85 The arrogant dig pitfalls for me,  contrary to your law.  86 All your commands…


Wine Bottles (Day 83-84)

I love wine bottles. They look elegant while filled with wine and they look pretty when you use them for decoration. My little sister in my sorority even came home one day with a wine bottle in the shape of…


Timing (Day 81-82)

81 My soul faints with longing for your salvation, but I have put my hope in your word. 82 My eyes fail, looking for your promise; I say, “When will you comfort me?” Psalm 119:81-82  Even when life is not easy and…


Wedding Things I’m Loving

These are a few of so many things I’m currently loving (without giving away any details of what we have planned- of course)! What are some wedding details or things you are loving? Is there something you wish you had…


Simple & Easy (Day 77-80)

Today let’s try something a little different. I want to encourage you to go line by line and pray for each of these things. Short, simple, sweet and easy.   77 Let your compassion come to me that I may live, …


Life is a Fairy Tale

Growing up little girls’ dream of fairy tales,  romance, adventures, relationships and beauty.  We are raised watching Disney movies and other fairy tales that cause us to yearn for our own knight in shining armor and our own happily ever…


Year 1

Exactly one year ago this week I spent my first weekend in Norman for the OU/FSU game. Little did I know that God was going to use this short trip to change my life in more ways than one. On September…


Comfort (Day75-76)

“I know, O LORD, that your laws are righteous, and in faithfulness you have afflicted me. May your unfailing love be my comfort, according to your promise to your servant. ” Psalm 119:75-76


Light (Day 74)

Do you have a friend whose presence alone brightens a room? You know, the kind of person whose love for the Lord causes them to radiate and inspires you to have that same close relationship with God. Can you imagine being…


Looking for Something?