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Posts by this author:


Recently I have spent a lot of time thinking about my future, life, happiness, and yes, that mushy topic we all love…love. My last fall semester is just around the corner and I can’t help but think about what is…


Day 39

  “Take away the disgrace I dread, for your laws are good.” Psalm 119:39


Day 38

Earlier this week I blogged about being fearless and what we could accomplish if we didn’t allow our fears to get in the way. It is natural for us to fear or worry about what others think of us. We…


Priorities (Day 37)

What do you focus on?   “Turn my eyes away from worthless things; preserve my life according to your word.” Psalm 119:37


Wanna Dance

You know those days you just feel like dancing? Well today is one of those days! I just finished my last final of the summer and want to dance around my house like a little girl!  In honor of this…


Selfish (Day 36)

By nature we tend to focus on me, myself and I. Today spend time praying that God will help direct your attention on Him and His ways. How can you help further His Kingdom today? “Turn my heart toward your…


Two Roads Diverged (Day 35)

Everyday we have a choice which path we are going to take. We can choose to follow God’s commands or we can follow our own desires. Who will you follow? “Direct me in the path of your commands, for there…


Talking with our Father

The past couple of days I have spent a lot of time thinking about prayer. I was elated this morning when I got to church and found out that prayer was the topic for the day.  After rereading my five…


Understanding (Day 34)

The best way to learn Gods commands is to read your Bible. Today’s verse states that we are to obey God’s commands with ALL of our hearts. Easier said than done. But none the less, it is in the Bible…



Today the song “Fearless” by Taylor Swift was playing on the radio and it really got me thinking. What if we were fearless? What if we weren’t afraid of others opinions, of looking/sounding absurd, of failure, of being hurt or…


Growing (Day 33)

Each day is a learning opportunity. Take today and focus on one of the Lord’s commands that you struggle with. Make it your goal for the day to be better about it. One thing I struggle with is comparing myself…


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