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Posts by this author:

Catching Up (Day 25)

  Today we get to play a little bit of “catch-up” for the missed couple of days. I will do this through a few separate posts so that each one isn’t too long. (If you would like to remind yourself…


Counselor (Day 24)

Throughout life it is important to have someone you can turn to for counsel. As a child you go to a counselor to make sure you are doing well in school, as you grow older you look to elders to…


Stay Strong (Day 23)

People love to gossip. It does not matter if people are talking about someones personality, a physical attribute, a skill or a religion- it just happens. As we grow older we learn that we have to be strong and continue,…


Say Yes to the Dress

Ironically, my MOH (Ali)  got me hooked on the show “Say Yes to the Dress” last summer during one of our days off at kamp. Well almost exactly a year later I am beginning my search for the perfect dress!…


New Creation (Day 21 & 22)

So sorry to have missed a day, life has been extremely busy! But I hope you still got into your Bible and kept up with our challenge. To make up for our missed day, today we will cover verses 21…


Dream (Day 20)

Stop for a moment and think about yesterday. What kind of thoughts consumed your mind majority of the day? Or on an average day, what do you wish for or dream of? Do you hope for things of this world?…


How Cool is This?

Confession- when I read the Bible and come across the genealogy I get bored and tend to skip it. But last summer Beth Wiebe taught us something about the geneaology in the book of Genesis. When you take the genealogy…


Tourist (Day 19)

When you go on vacation and visit a new place, do you fit in with the locals? Typically, when I visualize a tourist I think about someone wearing a Hawaiian button down shirt with a camera hanging around their neck…


Open Eyes (Day 18)

Life is beautiful. Each day is filled with blessings and so frequently we are in such a hurry that we fail to notice majority of them. Life is a choice- we can choose to be joyful or depressed, choose to…


Live (Day 17)

What is your purpose? We are called here to live as servants for the Lord.  While reading todays verse I came to a few conclusions (these are strictly my thoughts, what are your thoughts on todays verse?). I felt that…



“Life is 10% what happens to you and 90% how you react to it.” Charles Swindoll  


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