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Posts by this author:

Desire to Delight (Day 16)

When you love someone, don’t you desire to do what makes them happy? Don’t you try to do what they ask or tell you to do? Why should your relationship with God be any different? I delight in your decrees;…


Meditate (Day 15)

med·i·tate verb /ˈmedəˌtāt/ Think deeply or focus one’s mind for a period of time, in silence or with the aid of chanting, for religious or spiritual purposes or as a method of relaxation Think deeply or carefully about (something)  I meditate…


Rejoice, Rejoice (Day 14)

As a girl I have to admit there is something joyful about buying a new outfit, some flowers or just about anything. It’s exciting! Todays verse tells us that similarly to how we get excited or “rejoice” about the things…


24 Years

“And now these three remain: faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is love.”- 1 Corinthians 13:13   I’m thankful to have two parents who are in love with the Lord, have faithfully devoted their lives to one another, and…


Beautiful Lips (Day 13)

When you speak, what kinds of words come out? “With my lips I recount    all the laws that come from your mouth.” Psalm 119:13 “For beautiful lips, speak only words of kindness”- Audrey Hepburn


Create Something Beautiful (Day 12)

Today is going to be a great day! Spend the day praising God for the gift of today! “Praise be to you, O LORD;    teach me your decrees” Psalm 119:12 Right now I encourage you to stop what you are…


Social Media Vacation

You know you are taking 18 hours of online classes when you spend countless hours a day on the computer. Because I am having to be on the computer so much I’ve decided to take at least a week off…


5 Minute Hiatus

To take my mind off of summer school for a little bit I decided to search through some of my favorite wedding blogs and came upon so many weddings that I loved. One of which, I had to share. There…


Hidden in My Heart (Day 11)

When we began this challenge I encouraged you to write our verse of the day on a post-it note and hang it up somewhere you will see if frequently. Todays verse is the reason for this. God has told us…


More Patterns (Day 10)

Do you see the pattern? “I seek you with all my heart; do not let me stray from your commands.” Psalm 119:10 How many times do you think the Lord will remind us how important it is to seek Him…



Each month my day planner focuses on a different topic. For the month of July the topic is self-esteem. The following is what it says: To think more highly of ourselves than we ought is pride. But to think less…


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