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Posts by this author:

Pure Life (Day 9)

  “How can a young man keep his way pure? By living according to your word.” Psalm 119:9 It is important to live a pure life so that your life may be a true testimony of God’s love to others.…


Not Me, Myself & I (Day 8)

Today’s verse is another verse that I struggle with- not by choice, but because I have become “comfortable” with sin without even realizing it. In our modern world we see sin everywhere we look. It has become our “normal.” We…


A Tasty 4th of July

Who doesn’t love enjoy a tasty treat for the holidays? Especially when that tasty treat is guilt free… Okay, guilt free may be a stretch. But I use about double the amount of fruit required in the recipe below, so…


Our Purpose- Max Lucado

What is your purpose? In today’s world it is common to find people who find their worth in what they do, their occupation runs their day and becomes their purpose. In the book I am currently reading, “In the Grip…


Day 7

  “I will praise you with an upright heart as I learn your righteous laws.” Psalm 119:7 The journey as we learn God’s law is full of highs and lows, our job is to (through it all) praise Him and…


Face to Face (Day 6)

shame/SHām/ Noun: A painful feeling of humiliation or distress caused by the consciousness of wrong or foolish behavior. Do you enjoy the feeling of being humiliated? Do you enjoy having a guilty conscious that fills you with distress? And notice…


Upon Waking (Day 5)

So far in Psalm 119 we have learned how important it is to not only know God’s Word, but to fully live it out and keep each of His commands. When my day comes and I am face to face…



Have you ever met one of those people whose face just radiates joy, love, peace, beauty and so many other lovely traits? I have and each time it has made me yearn to have what ever it is this person…


Day 4- Finding a Pattern

As of today I hung up my fourth post-it note. How are you doing so far with focusing on one verse a day? I don’t know about you, but I’m loving it! “1 Blessed are they whose ways are blameless,…


Day 3

  As much as I hate to say it- I do not like today’s verse as much as I did yesterdays. The reason I do not like it as much is because it is really convicting to me. So far,…


Day 2

Until the past couple of years I don’t think I understood that being a Christian meant having a real relationship with God. I knew I was to love Him and I had my little “check list” of things I needed…


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