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Recently my Bible study leader, Jane, encouraged us to join her on a challenge. This challenge is to take Psalm 119 and meditate and memorize a verse a day. Memorizing verses is something we are told to do time and…



Confession- I am one of those people who maps out their day down to the hour (or almost down to the hour). Each day I figure out what I need to do and when I need to do it in…


Little Spurs

Okay, I know that being from Texas the word “spurs” typically refers to the things that connect to your cowboy boots. But those are not what I am referring to (and I am definitely not referring to the San Antonio…


Good Intentions?

There are so many things we are intentional about each day. We wake up, go to work, go to class, to go the gym, read a book, call a friend, etc. But what about in our faith? Are you intentional?…


The White Dress

Before Caleb I was never one of those girls who loved weddings. In fact, I had never even been to a wedding before Caleb took my to his brothers- crazy I know. Since last November, I have now been to…


Assistance Please?

Summer is upon us which means in our spare time we get to lay out by the pool while wearing a big floppy hat with a great book. I have recently taken a hiatus from reading anything other than the…


Happy Fathers Day

There are so many things in life that I am thankful for. One of the biggest blessings the Lord has given me is my father. My dad has seen me through my best and my worst and yet he loves…


Lions, Tigers & Bears- Oh My!

So apparently the last couple days I have really enjoyed blogging. I may have set a personal record for number of new posts in 48 hours. In my defense it has been a very eventful past few days- parents &…


436 Days

[youtube=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5hQK6GIrpYU] As I was listening to the radio this song came on. Every time I hear it I can’t help but think of Caleb. When I looked it up on You Tube I was even more excited because we also…


Wedding & Family Celebrations

To say that this past week was amazing is an understatement. It all began when Caleb came down to attend a Mavericks Finals game with my family (the only home game we lost- of course… great game anyways though). The next…


Planting a Seed

You never know the seeds you are sowing.  Whether you recognize it or not, each day you have the opportunity to make an impact on those around you. Yes, I’ll admit, it is always nice to actually hear words of…


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