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I am very blessed. Every Thursday night I get to have fellowship with a group of godly young women. Currently, our leader Jane is leading us through the book of Habakkuk. Today I was reading chapter 2 and verses 18-20…



When you think of the ideal life, what do you think of?  As I look around I fear that the world encourages us to yearn for something that isn’t real. We see on TV perfect families and glamorous lives. We…


Fighting Cancer

My godmother (I call her TL) is one of the most amazing women I have ever met. Years ago she over came cancer but it has been a battle she has struggled with ever since. While her health is so inconsistant,…


On a Mission

It is on my bucket list to go on a mission trip that lasts longer than a week. I have been so blessed and would love the opportunity to bless others. My little brother (whom I am SO proud of)…


Are you living?

Are you living? Okay, that question sounds crazy, I’ll admit. But think about it, are you really living? Or are you just waiting in anticipation of something to come in the future? A date to come, to find a job, to…


Picture Perfect Proposal

The Lord has blessed me beyond my wildest dreams. This year on spring break, not only did I get to spend the week with three of my favorite people but we created memories that will last a lifetime. Since I…


Are you good enough?

Are you good enough? Better question, do you feel you are adequate enough for the Lord to use you in huge ways? Last night at Lifestream we studied a story from the Bible I am sure you are familiar with.…



What puts a smile on your face?  As I am sitting here writing this, I am smiling (in between sips of my hot green tea). Originally I sat down with every intention of doing my French homework. But upon taking…



>At the beginning of the semester I heard a sermon at Journey Church that I loved and has continued to inspire me. It has provoked me to ponder many questions daily. As I was rereading my notes today I decided…



>Over the past two weeks my schedule has been crazy. From the moment I wake up to the moment my head hits the pillow (PTL for Day Planners)! Days filled with class, meetings, work, etc… I’m lucky if I find…



>“The prayer of a righteous man is powerful and effective.” James 5:16 Stop for a moment and really ponder this- how much time do you spend during the day praying and talking with God? Do you spend 5 minutes? Pray…


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