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Posts by this author:

>Fear, Faith & Love

>While reading through the book of Matthew today, I noticed that the statement “You have so little faith” appears more then once (in Matthew 6 & 8). This sentence is short, yet so powerful. “Why are you afraid? You have…



>This is silly and I recieved it in an email. And although it does not fit into a “typical blog,” I thought it was cute and worth sharing. We complain about the cross we bear but don’t realize it is…



>Today is one of those days. The Lord has filled my heart with joy and regardless of how gloomy the weather is, I still want to put on a sun dress <<and maybe my Chacos ☺ >> and dance around!!…


>Be Zealous

>Lets face it, we all desire to be successful. We can strive to be financially successful, have successful relationships, to successfully make an impact… the options are endless. But how do we embark on this endeavor? Today I have spent…



>One of my biggest struggles is that I tend to be anxious or stressed. Why? I’m not sure. Whether it is planning, studying or just going through my everyday routine, my mind always seems to be running a million miles…



. . . BE NICE All content on this website is property of Beyond Blessed. We encourage you to share links, pictures, etc., but please make sure you link back to the original post and give credit accordingly. If you…


Setting Goals

Do you remember last month how I told you my father loves goal planning and setting goals? While I did share with you the main questions he taught me to ask myself when setting goals, I didn’t share with you…



> Today the Lord has blessed us with a beautiful snow day. So on this glorious white day I have the opportunity to sit down at my kitchen table, sip my warm black coffee and look out my windows and…


>Right Now

> This morning was one of those mornings where you step out your front door to a chilly fall breeze and a gloomy overcast sky. It was one of those mornings I just yearned to be somewhere else. I walked…


>How are you doing buddy?

>How are you doing? This may be the most common question you hear everyday. As I was wondering around campus today I heard a response that kind of took me by surprise. “Living.” This made me wonder, is this a…


>Who do you Rep?

>Take a moment and look around you. Notice the girl sitting at the table or the group of friends walking by you. I hate to admit it, but as humans we all do it- what are your thoughts about them?…


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