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Posts by this author:

Go Out on a Limb

Just a little reminder today to be brave! go out on a limb don’t let fear paralyze you be bold follow your dreams do what matters fight for what matters dream big love fiercely pray big prayers speak truth live…


Extraordinary out of the Ordinary

God uses  ordinary people to carry out his extraordinary plans. I love this. God chooses to use people like you and me, ordinary people, to bring Him glory. To further His Kingdom. Praise the Lord!! There is something so magical…


Worship Me

You know those moments when you hear the Lord speak to you? Well on Monday I had one of those moments. Wednesday-Friday of last week were a bit rough. My office was full of negativity and it was sucking the…


As I Am

I love starting out  my mornings in the Word and listening to worship music. Enjoy! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wJ6_EoxxtLs


You Can Set the Whole World Ablaze

Happy fall! Can you believe cooler weather is actually here? The Lord has begun to really reveal His plans to us over the past month and we could not be more excited! Lara Casey’s #SavorSeptember truly has been beautiful! He…


The Good Life

Life is good. Yes, some days trials and fears come close to paralyzing me. But Christ came so that we can have life & have life to the fullest! Could there be a more beautiful gift? So in order to…


Lost in the Right Direction

Anyone else in the midst of this right now? We have direction and the big picture but are still working on all of the little details. And that is okay. My prayer has been that He would teach me to be…


Life Begins When…

The more I study the Word and the more I release the firm grip I have on my life, the more I get it. I mean really get it. I’ve never really shared my testimony and maybe one day I…


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