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Posts by this author:

Your Reason to Shine

Have a blessed Sunday! Let the light in you bring Him glory!!


Photographer of Love

Good morning! Today’s post has been a long time coming. I’ve introduced you all to Ashley of Ashley Lauren Photography a few times before, but this girl is just too sweet to not share more about her! Earlier this year…


The Fun Lifestyle

What is life about? The other day one of my coworkers and I were talking. She had just gotten off the phone and stated, “sometimes I think people just forget what life is about.” And you know what, she is…


We Will Never Forget

“Tonight, I ask for your prayers for all those who grieve, for the children whose worlds have been shattered, for all whose sense of safety and security has been threatened. And I pray they will be comforted by a power…


Big Dreams, Bigger Answers

A couple days ago I shared a little bit about some big changes coming our way. {Again, vague I know. More details will be coming though!} While words can hardly explain my excitement for this upcoming change, I am definitely…


Choose Blessed

You know who has some of my favorite quotes? Buddha. Yes, I said Buddha. Do I believe Buddhism is correct, not even close. But some of Buddha’s statements line up perfectly with the Bible. {if only they understood the beauty…


More Than We Could Imagine

  These verses above are ringing so true in my life right now! I am overwhelmed with the blessings the Lord has begun to reveal to my Hubby and myself recently. I have always had big dreams, but the Lord’s…


Exactly What You Need

Don’t you just love it when the Lord uses the ‘little things’ in life to bless your heart the most? Earlier this week I left work stressed and extremely flustered because our website transition was not going as I had…


Love Never Fails

Love is hard.  Okay, if you’ve read any of my posts recently this statement may sound strange. My husband and I just celebrated our one year anniversary and love has been overflowing in abundance between the two of us. Loving…


Savor the Moment

The Lord gave  you one life and one chance to live it. Make the most of every moment now. Make memories. Life life to the fullest. Count your blessings. Bless others. Share Jesus. Savor every moment because you will never get…


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