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Posts by this author:

Lemon & Lavender

Last week I  received a sweet little package in the mail from Ashley LaRue of Lemon & Lavender! The timing could not have been better (right after our one year anniversary and a couple days before my birthday)! Because of…


Savor September Goals

Happy September!! Can you believe fall is around the corner?! While I am not sure if I am actually ready to say good-bye to summer and hello to cooler weather, I am excited for #SavorSeptember (inspired by the lovely Lara Casey).…


Pave the Way

Remember the other day when I started sharing a couple fun things I had learned from “The Magic of Thinking Big” by David J. Schwartz, Ph.D.? Well I am still reading it and am still enjoying it! Here are a…


Be Brave

I don’t know what your reaction was when you read the quote above, but it hit me hard. Am I brave like Jesus? Not.Even.Close. Do I want to be? Absolutely. You & I were put here on this earth for…


Scavenger Hunts & Pretty Papers

Words can hardly explain how full my heart is right now. This past weekend my husband and I celebrated our first year of marriage!! {I am still in complete shock that it has already been a year!} As many of…


The Magic of Thinking Big

My parent’s have always raised me to believe I can do anything I want to. And honestly, I still believe it. I’m not one of those individuals who grew up and lost that mentality. Rather than thinking ‘why me?’ I choose…


Love Letter to Husband

husband, i cannot believe it has been a year since i walked down the aisle to the man of my dreams!! our first year truly flew by! it has easily been the best year of my life because i have been by your…


First Year of Marriage :: What I’ve Learned

I cannot believe today marks ONE YEAR since I walked down the aisle to such an incredible man. I am blown away by God’s goodness and faithfulness! Our first year truly flew by! We got to spend the first 8…


Rehearsal Reminiscing

 I still feel like I am in a dream. Our rehearsal dinner was one year ago today. For our wedding we had a ‘wedding village’ cabin community that was made up of most of our family members and friends. We…


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