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Back to School

Today officially marks the first day of school. Well technically I only have classes on campus on Tuesday and Thursday, but my online classes begin today! Call me crazy but I love school. If you know me then you know that I thrive under a heavy work load and set schedule. Although I don’t have any classes on campus today I still made my way over there to have lunch with my younger brother in between his classes. Cameron began his first day at University of Oklahoma today and I couldn’t be more proud of him!

It wasn’t until lunch that I realized how old I felt on campus. We were surrounded by girls donning the greek “uniform” of nike shorts and oversized frat t-shirts discussing rush, greek parties and their summer vacation. Even my brother was talking about Fraternity rush and asking my opinion. While watching the girls excitement a part of me missed my sorority days, but I am beyond excited for this next year and have already started the countdown until graduation (and everything that will follow… aka getting married!!).

This is going to be a wonderful semester- I can just feel it. The Lord has blessed me with great roommates, wonderful friends and classes I am actually excited about! This semester I will be taking The Life & Thoughts of Apostle Paul, Study of Christianity, Professional Development of Human Relations, General Human Relations, and Marketing. Although I have been contemplating dropping Marketing to take an online introduction to Italian class so I only have to take one class (my Capstone class) in the spring. Has anyone ever taken this Italian class at OU? Here goes to a great semester!


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