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Be Awesome in 30 Minutes

30 minutes earlier

The past couple of weeks have been crazy. Looking back at them I don’t know if I should describe them as chaotically busy or chaotically slow. Either way, my Husband and I have moved back to Texas, unpacked, continued applying for jobs, began the first steps to becoming covenant members at the Village Church together, began running more regularly, continued working on my book, and so much more. While our days feel busy, I don’t feel as though we get a lot accomplished. The hours seem to disappear.

But during some of those hours I have begun reading Jon Acuff’s book “Start.” (My Husband and I began following Acuff when we went through Financial peace University together and really enjoy his style of writing. His book “Gazelles, Baby Steps, & 37 Other Things Dave Ramsey Taught Me” is on my list of ‘Must Reads.’ His book “Quitter” is on my ‘Want to Read Soon‘ list and is already downloaded to my kindle. My mom even got to spend a weekend with Acuff & Ramsey in Nashville about a year ago- yes, I was jealous.) In his book he encourages the reader to wake up 30 minutes earlier to be productive. He states that the “first 30 minutes of your day are vital. Rescue them & spend it all on awesome.” Acuff wrote a great blog about why the first 30 minutes of your day are vital that I highly encourage you to go read. After a beautiful evening of reading and feeling inspired I decided that tomorrow I am going to set my alarm 30 minutes earlier and spend that time being awesome. I will start by spending time in the Word, then I will make a list of things I am thankful for (thank you One Thousand Gifts for inspiring this), and continue by being awesome.

Imagine what you could do if you woke up 30 minutes earlier every day.
How would you be awesome during those 30 minutes?
What would your 30 minutes look like?
I would love to hear how your 30 minutes of being awesome goes tomorrow!
Please come back and share!

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  1. May 8, 2013 / 9:59 am

    I wake up very early every morning – inherited the insomnia trait from my grandmother. That time with God, in His word, in prayer and communion with Him is precious, addictive, and necessary. People don’t always understand, but I try to explain the difference it makes in my life and walk. How I wish we all would do it. We could, you know. Imagine how different our world would be…

    Glad y’all are settling in to your home. Sometimes it seems that nothing is getting done, and then one day, you wake up and realize so much is done. :-)

    • May 8, 2013 / 10:03 am

      Kim you are so right. So glad to hear that you have used your insomnia to spend more time with our Heavenly Father. What a blessing! And thank you for the encouragement- it’s finally beginning to feel like a home :) Be blessed!

  2. brannan12a
    May 8, 2013 / 1:25 pm

    Reblogged this on Faith. Family. Basketball..

    • May 8, 2013 / 4:13 pm

      So glad you enjoyed it! Thank you for sharing it with others :) Be blessed!

      • brannan12a
        May 9, 2013 / 7:54 am

        Your welcome! I’m reading the book now. Great blog!

        • May 9, 2013 / 11:13 am

          Would love to hear your favorite parts when you are finished with it!

  3. Robert Budd
    May 8, 2013 / 7:12 pm

    Words to live by Chloé. Although I did get up at 4 am , I could definitely be more deliberate about what I do with my time. Thank you for sharing.

  4. May 8, 2013 / 11:37 pm

    Hi Chloe! Thanks for stopping by and “liking” my blog earlier today! I love your post!! I’m also a huge Dave Ramsey and Jon Acuff fan. I’m reading “Start” right now as well, and I read “Quitter” a couple months ago….it is AWESOME, you have to read it!

    What kind of book are you writing? Being an author is my “dream job” too…also perhaps financial counseling. :)


    • May 20, 2013 / 10:55 am

      Thank you for the suggestions! I too am big fans of them both! You have to love finding people who love the Lord and are working towards their dreams while helping others!

      I am writing a children’s book about the Bible. I was recently taught the Old Testament in a way that made the book really come alive. The history and information that goes along with the OT made me understand the WHOLE story. It is information I WISH I was taught as a kid. So I am writing it in a way that parents (or Sunday Schools) can teach it to the kids.

      You should begin working towards your dream job! There is nothing stopping you :) Once you write the book the worst thing that can happen is having someone tell you no. And if that happens you just keep on going with a smile on your face! Praying for you! You can do it!

      Be blessed!

  5. May 9, 2013 / 10:35 am

    Hi Chloe,
    Thanks for stopping by and liking my Post “The Conundrum of Awesome”. I can see from this post we have a few things in common… “A Thousand gifts” I found very inspirational as well. and I am currently writing a devotional book on the “Gospel of John” . I just finished leading an FPU class and will be running another in the fall. I haven’t come any closer to resolving the conundrum of awesome but I can appreciate that desiring to seek God with your whole being and willing to give him the first and best of your day is an “Awesome” endeavor. Blessings, JT

    • May 9, 2013 / 11:11 am

      I can’t wait to read your devotional on the Gospel of John! I love seeing how the Lord uses the same words to teach each individual something different. Each time you pick up a new devotional you get the chance to look at the Word and see how the Lord revealed Himself to that individual in a specific way. And One Thousand Gifts and Jon Acuff’s books are both so inspiring. Praying for you as you resolve your conundrum!
      Be blessed!

  6. May 20, 2013 / 9:34 am

    Hi there Chloe,
    I have been listening to some great sermons from Matt Chandler lately. I love your graphic!

    • May 20, 2013 / 10:57 am

      Hey Christina!
      Aren’t his podcasts great! Which ones have you enjoyed recently?

      And thank you! I’ve always loved taking pictures of sunsets and now I am learning to enjoy taking pictures of sunrises!

      Be blessed!

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