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Be Brave

Be brave

{Quote from Hope Engaged– one of my new favorite blogs!}

I don’t know what your reaction was when you read the quote above, but it hit me hard. Am I brave like Jesus? Not.Even.Close. Do I want to be? Absolutely. You & I were put here on this earth for one reason and one reason alone. To fulfill the Great Commission– to be brave, to be bold.

My husband and I just celebrated one year of marriage. It was a beautiful year- but we know that the Lord has much bigger plans for us. We had every intention of sitting down last weekend to talk about & pray about what it is the Lord wants to do in and through our marriage. We got caught up in celebrating & spending time together and didn’t leave enough time for this conversation. And that is okay {grace not perfection}. This conversation will take a good chunk of time and countless hours of prayer. But this weekend we will make time for it.

This past year we were blessed more than I could have ever dreamed. But if I am being honest, I don’t feel as though we put ourselves in enough situations to bless others. We know God brought us together for a reason much larger than ourselves. Yes- He does want us to find joy in our marriage, and we do, but He wants us to bring the joy of knowing Him to others even more than He wants us find joy in our marriage. {But let’s be honest, could there be a more beautiful reason for a union then to bring glory to God?}

So it’s time for us to be live brave. Do I know what this is going to look like? no. Do the first thoughts that come into my mind as I begin thinking/praying about this scare me? yes… more than I like to admit. But again, that is okay. Because God will provide & lead the way.

Has the Lord showed you how He wants you to live brave?




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