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Try to be Alive


“Try to learn to breathe deeply,
really to taste food when you eat,
& when you sleep, really to sleep.
Try as much as possible
to be wholly alive with all your might,
& when you laugh, laugh like crazy…
Try to be alive.
You will be dead soon enough.”
Ernest Hemingway

Life has been absolutely hectic lately. Most of it is a good hectic- but some of it is simply annoying Thai third world problems… Either way, we are busy. Caleb and I have so many things to do before September 20th. Big things, small things, fun things, research things, school things. Having all of these things on our plate has put me in a bit of a stand-still. I have been frozen and I don’t know where to start. On Friday I realized  this overload has caused me to complacently coast through the days rather than to live intentionally in each moment. And you know what? Life is far too short to not embrace each moment.

So this week I am making it my goal to live intentionally. I am crossing items of my to-do list that are not time sensitive. This is the week to soak up every moment. I want to breathe deeply, savor every flavor, laugh till my stomach hurts, and love extravagantly. It is going to be a good week- I am deciding that now. Let’s (you & me) decide to make this week a week to remember!

Praying your week is filled with blessings as well!




  1. Caleb Arnold
    August 18, 2014 / 8:18 pm

    Praying that you live intentionally this and every week! And I love the Hemingway quote!

  2. September 3, 2014 / 11:38 am

    hope it ended up going well for you Chloe! I find that I have the same trouble faaarrr too often! It’s always a struggle but it’s always worth it!

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