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Believing in the Impossible


Has your heart been restless recently? Mine certainly has been. But I think it is a good thing. I believe it may be a beautiful sign that God is moving in mighty ways! He has begun stirring up many dreams and ideas.  My Husband and I are still on a job hunt and still waiting to hear whether or not we got our NYC apartment. We are living in limbo. But you know what? That is okay. God is teaching me patients. My heart and my mind always want to do 284 things at any given moment. So this time of limbo is a great time for the Lord to calm my heart and help me focus on His direction. (It has also been a great time for me to FINALLY read some of the books from my “Want to Read Soon” section. Can you tell which two books are now listed under the “Must Read” section? hint- numbers 6 & 17. I have already written some posts based on my notes that will be posted soon :) But I highly recommend getting the book yourself! Thanks Caitlyn for the recommendation!) The Lord has blessed each of us with a world of possibility. Nothing is impossible.

{What are your goals or dreams? I would love to know so I can join you in prayer!}


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  1. May 1, 2013 / 11:12 am

    Hard place to be….tween.
    Been there often.
    But God is faithful.
    <3 hang tight. You are learning valuable things.

    • May 1, 2013 / 11:17 am

      Thank you for your encouraging words! :) Learning to wait patiently! Be blessed

      (p.s. love your blog!)

        • May 1, 2013 / 3:44 pm

          Yes ma’am! Love the image of the quote with the tea too! Looking forward to see what the Lord does!

          • May 1, 2013 / 3:53 pm

            It’s an adventure to follow The Lord. It is courageous. It is faithful. It is real living. So, I’m glad you are embracing it with joy, rather than fear. :-) blessings!!

  2. May 2, 2013 / 8:56 pm

    Love this! Thanks for stopping by my blog! I should have that quote on my Disney post!

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