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Big Dreams

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Well, its official. I’m sick. Two of my precious kiddos were sick last week. One student was lucky and had students who allowed her to stay home. The other student came to school wearing a mask and a coat. The poor little boy sat in the classroom covered in sweat from his fever {which was more than the usual sweat from the heat of Thailand}. But praise the Lord, I’ve had the weekend to rest and we now have a home that has AC in the bedroom {insert happy dance here}. While no one enjoys being sick, I have to admit- it is nice sitting in my bedroom right now. The door to the little balcony off our bedroom is open and the sound of thunder is growing in the background. And thunderstorms mean there is a nice breeze {and hopefully rain if we are lucky}.

This time of rest has allowed my adventurous heart to dream. Life in Thailand could not be more magical. Each morning I am blown away by God’s goodness and am thrilled He has invited me to be a part of this adventure, part of His plan. I still have to pinch myself to make sure it is not a dream. As I sit here on my bed dreaming, I can’t help but think about the other adventures the Lord has planned for our lives and the for the lives of those around us.

IMG_0864I’m dreaming about my students’ futures and praying they come to know the Lord and they achieve their goals. Last week in English class the students had to write sentences about their dreams, hopes, and goals. So many of their dreams were so beautiful and bold- I pray they never lose that innocence and the ability to dream big. I am praying into their hopes and dreams with them.

IMG_0230I’m dreaming about the relationships we are building. Relationships with our students, with our Thai co-teachers, and with the other native English-speaking teachers. There are about 50 native English-speaking teachers at our school; which means we now have friends from England, Ireland, New Zealand, South Africa, Australia, and many other exciting places around the world. I am praying that the Lord will help these relationships grow. I am praying that we make friends for life. I am praying their dreams and goals come true. And I’m praying for many whimsical adventures together!

I’m dreaming about where the Lord will call us next. Will we remain here in Thailand, will we stay in Asia, will we be somewhere completely different, will move back to the States? We absolutely love our city of Nakhon, truly I have never felt more at peace about my home. But I’ve learned His plans always prevail. So while Thailand has our hearts right now, we are also praying into the next 5 years of our lives. Currently, my heart yearns to live abroad for at least 3-5 years. It just feels so right pursuing the Lord from outside the comforts of my American home. But the Lord’s plans are always greater. So right now we are just dreaming for fun.

IMG_0871I’m also dreaming about our family. One day, no time soon, I want to be a mom. I thought teaching would deter my desire to have children for a quite a while- but in reality, it has done the opposite. How can I love and care for my precious students so much, when they aren’t even my own? I’m dreaming of our family and where we will start our family. I’m also dreaming about the potential of adopting one day. I’m praying the Lord will hold our children in the palm of His hand. I am praying my kids will know and love the Lord. I’m praying they will have testimonies of always walking in obedience with Him. I am praying that the Lord would use them to make a huge impact in the world for His glory.


Life is a beautiful gift. Truly, I could not be more thankful. I am currently rereading my notes from Bob Goff’s book “Love Does” and I am being reminded to dream big, to live big, and to love bigger. God has invited us to be a part of His grand adventure. So in the midst of being sick, I am sitting here enjoying this thunderstorm and dreaming big dreams. Dreams I know only God can make happen. Dreams that are filled with love. Dreams that are full of faith. Because as Bob Goff tells us- love does. Love moves. Love dreams.

{for the record, yes, it is now full-blown storming! Intense flashes of lightening, huge groans of thunder, and yes- rain! I wish I could share our Thai thunderstorms with you all- goodness the power they bring! It’s humbling to think of how powerful these storms are and how much more powerful Abba is in comparison! And rainfall means we have water to shower! Hip hip hooray!} 




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