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My Birthday & the Blues


{Ashley Monogue Photography}

Well, today is a day to celebrate. Today is my birthday. And unfortunately I am homesick. Growing up my family always did birthdays in a big way. Our house was covered in balloons, streamers, signs, and confetti. The day started out with a delicious breakfast served on our special birthday plate (growing up I usually had my mom’s homemade blintze/crepes with greek yogurt and fresh fruit or my dad’s homemade waffles- both are absolutely divine). The day ended with champagne, our favorite restaurant, and of course- mint chocolate chip ice cream and some type of cake made from scratch. And usually there were many fun activities in between. Since getting married we have added a few new fun traditions too- but sadly we have access to few Western resources here so none of these traditions can be implemented in Thailand.

Yesterday Caleb and I went on a hunt for birthday goodies. We did find a Prosecco, but no luck with anything else. Today, what I would really love is to be surrounded by my family and friends- to be surrounded by the people I love most. While I absolutely love our lives here in Thailand, I miss our family, friends, and Home Group (what our church calls our couples Bible study). I miss Christian community. (our church community here consists of a handful of people who speak very little english.)  I would love to trade squatter toilets for proper Western toilets. I would love to trade this thick-as-mud humidity for consistent air conditioning. I would love to trade rice for chips, salsa, and guacamole. Most days I love how simple our lives are here in Thailand. We really only need the basic necessities and it truly is a blessing. But today, I miss the luxuries of the Western world. I miss the convenience of it all. I miss lazy evenings cuddling on the couch, watching a movie in the air conditioning. I am feeling blue and am longing for all things Western.

So my birthday wish for today- prayer. Prayer for comfort, peace, joy, and love. We have wonderful friends here whom we adore- but no one can replace family and lifelong friends. Please pray for this homesickness to dwindle. Pray for Jesus to shine through me, even when it is hard to choose joy. Pray the Lord fills me with so much of His love that it overflows, so I can love my incredible husband and neighbors well.

I am beyond thankful for each of you- those I know in person, those of you I have met online, and all of the in-between. Words cannot convey my thankfulness for your prayers, support, and encouragement on this journey! Praying for each of you as well! xox

What do you do to celebrate birthdays?

a little family love below :)
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  1. September 1, 2014 / 11:51 pm

    Happy birthday! I hope you managed to have a lovely day and make new memories and traditions, even if it meant longing for your birthday traditions of the past. xx

  2. valerie budd
    September 2, 2014 / 9:59 am

    Wish I could mail you blinzi and mint chip ice cream!

  3. September 2, 2014 / 1:39 pm

    I can only imagine all the things you are missing! What a heart you have though. Instead of sitting in pity you are trying to stay positive and ask for prayers! Hope you enjoyed your birthday in a new way this year!

  4. Amanda Lambrechts
    September 27, 2014 / 9:21 pm

    I am quite late in saying this (as in, almost a month!!! Finally catching up on reading), but I hope that you had a great birthday. While I have never lived abroad, even just the couple of weeks I spent in China and Taiwan, I found myself missing the luxuries of our Western culture. You have such a good attitude and faith, I hope that prayer was able to carry you through this feeling of homesickness.

    XO Amanda

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