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Be Brave in Your Routine

 If I were relying on my own strength and abilities, I would have failed a weeks ago. But praise the Lord, He holds this adventure in the palm of His hands. He supplies my energy, He supplies my strength, and He supplies my every ability. The past 2 weeks have been an absolute roller coaster. Between being sick, preparing the students for their 9 week evaluation tests, and our city being almost completely out of water- I am pretty much exhausted.

The past week specifically was rough. After being sick I felt drained of energy and emotion. I felt as though I was in a rut- stuck in a monotonous routine. I began to wonder how the Lord was using me. Thankfully, the Lord blessed me by having my parents remind me of stories that brought Him glory. They reminded me of sweet, lightbulb moments my students have had. They reminded me of some of my conversations with students about Jesus and who He is.

Then, the Lord blessed me again through my sweet friend Katie. She reminded me {and all of her internet friends} the importance of our callings- even when they are boring.  Jesus had boring days filled with routine and monotony. But they were all part of His bigger picture.

Sometimes we need the reminder that it is okay to be stuck in a routine. And it is okay to be bored by the monotony of a routine. But during this time it is important that we seek the Lord. It is important that we pursue Him and listen for His whispers. Because He is preparing us during these times. He is building our strength and preparing us for something greater. He is helping us build character.

We need to imitate Jesus and remain steadfast in our calling. We need to be brave with our lives- even in the midst of routine. Be brave with you life, be brave with your love, be brave with your passion, be brave with your forgiveness, be brave with your grace. Be brave in your routine.





  1. Carol Comey
    July 7, 2014 / 8:26 am

    Choosing to be BRAVE today! Thanks for the reminder…Love & Hugs to you

  2. July 7, 2014 / 12:15 pm

    I loved Katie’s post, too, and it totally hit home. I hope that you’re feeling better this week! God bless you as you continue to touch your students lives!

  3. July 8, 2014 / 8:16 pm

    Such a great reminder. Some days we get a little stuck in the monotony and dull drums of daily life and routine, but I always have to tell myself that we’re on a path to building something great and that there’s always a higher calling!

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