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Change can be Beautiful


“Life starts all over again when it gets crisp in the fall.”
F. Scott Fitzgerald

As the seasons began to change, my prayer was that my heart would change as well. Each season of life is good and trials are necessary- even though they are not always enjoyable. This past season of life was hard for me. Probably my hardest season of life yet, actually. But through this time I was reminded of my need for a Savior. This season forced me to look at my ugly and to learn about true grace. To say my troubles from this summer are now behind me would be a lie. I still struggle daily. But the Lord is teaching me through it.

We are currently in the peak of fall here in New York City and it is completely dreamy. While I know the leaves will soon begin to fall and the cool crisp air will soon turn to a bitter breeze, I am reminded of God’s omnipotence- of His goodness. The seasons are changing and I am changing, but God remains the same.

This season Yahweh is teaching me to let go of my control. He is reminding me that while I can plan to my hearts content, He controls the outcomes. I am surrendering my fears, my expectations, and my hurt. This is a season of change and I want to embrace it.

So this season, life is starting all over again. The old and broken is falling away- just like the leaves. This autumn season has been a sweet reminder that change can be beautiful. To borrow a quote from Pinterest, ‘the trees show us how lovely it is to let the dead things go.’

What are you letting go of this season?

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  1. Mandi Marco
    November 4, 2015 / 9:58 am

    I get warm inside looking at your pictures.. Texas just isn’t there yet :(

  2. daawnflores
    October 13, 2016 / 3:22 pm

    I agree with every word. Change is scary, yes. It’s hard when you get used to something and then change comes. But that’s the beauty of it. It means change will be for the better. :) Change is beautiful.

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