10   38
20   70
0   1
6   57
21   75
0   1
5   81
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Choose Joy


How many people are you going to interact with today? I can almost guarantee that each of you are going to interact with at least 2 people. Today you have the opportunity to spread joy today. I am a true believer that joy is a choice. I think that happiness is an emotion and joy is a choice. So decide now, before your day gets busy.  Choose to be filled with joy today!

“Be joyful always”
1 Thessalonians 5:16

Be blessed!



  1. julie
    February 21, 2013 / 8:04 am

    thank you for this. after the week that i have had i needed this encouragement. love getting your daily emails

    • February 21, 2013 / 11:44 am

      Hope that your week gets better! So glad that you enjoy them. Praying the rest of your day is wonderful

  2. Becky
    February 21, 2013 / 9:39 am

    Love the thought that joy is a choice rather than an emotion. Makes you feel like you actually have a little more control over your life. Thanks!

    • February 21, 2013 / 11:44 am

      I do too! It’s great to think that we don’t have to rely on our emotions to be happy. In God we can find joy! :)

  3. Michelle
    February 21, 2013 / 11:41 am

    Where do you get your inspiration for your posts? I am starting a blog but some days just have no idea what to post? Love your variety.

    • February 21, 2013 / 11:46 am

      It really just depends. A lot of it comes from reading the Word. Whatever it is that the Lord is teaching me or laying on my heart at the current time ends up on the blog. Or just things going on in life that I think are worth sharing! Pinterest is always a safe go to as well ;) Have fun!

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