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Choosing Awesome over Average

Recently, I’ve thought a lot about time and the quote “how you spend your time, is how you spend your life.”  Quite a sobering quote. Think about it for a moment.  I like to think I spend my time well, but in reality- I’m not too sure what I have to show for it.

As I re-read Jon Acuff’s bookStart: Punch Fear in the Face, I am reminded that I need to stop and look at my life map. Jon states “when it comes to figuring out where we’re headed in life, [most of us] never stop to ask the simple question, ‘where am I?’…The best map in the word doesn’t matter if you don’t know where you are.”

Jon is reminding me that most people wake up one day to realize they have been walking down the path of ‘average.’ It’s not that they intentionally chose the path of ‘average,’ it’s just that they didn’t intentionally choose to work for the path of ‘awesome.’

In 2016, I am choosing to walk the path of ‘awesome.’ Notice I said walk, not run. The Lord is teaching me that you don’t just wake up one day to ‘awesome,’ nor can you skip the work it takes to get there. But that’s okay. Because in reality, how awesome can it really be if you don’t have to work to get there?

Do I know what ‘awesome’ looks like for me? No, not yet. But I’m excited to find out. I’m choosing to live on purpose until the Lord reveals my purpose. {tweet that} I’m choosing awesome over average.

What does or what would ‘awesome’ look like for you?
What is your goal?

p.s. if you haven’t read Jon Acuff’s book Start you can buy it for Kindle here or for Nook here! I highly suggest it!



1 Comment

  1. Allie
    January 22, 2016 / 12:48 pm

    Need this. Awesome for me would love like working for myself and controlling my schedule. My goal is to grow my company to support my family so that I can be better about intentionally living on purpose.

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