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Christmas Service in Thailand


If you ever need a good laugh, come to Thailand and attend a Christmas church service. Caleb and I attended a new church this past weekend and could not stop laughing. One of the kindergarten families invited their students teacher to join them at church so naturally we decided to tag along.

After driving up and down the road for a solid 5 minutes we realized the church was tucked away in a little strip of old shops and homes. Honestly, we all stared at each other and laughed while we wondered out loud if we were in the right place. Sure enough, some locals saw the confused look on our face and invited us in. Once we kicked our shoes off outside we entered into the one-room church and found a seat on the floor on one of the rice mats. Shortly after the pastor instructed everyone to walk around the room, meet new people, and say ‘Merry Christmas’ {literally}. The pastor spoke english and told us to only say Merry Christmas as it would be the only english anyone else would understand. After hugging a dozen new friends the pastor informed us foreigners we would be singing Christmas songs and that we must dance. And goodness, THEY DO DANCE. It was quite the sight. Caleb jokingly whispered to me that he was raised baptist and couldn’t dance- we giggled as we awkwardly attempted to fit in.

It was beautiful watching the older Thai men and women raise their hands to glorify God. The room was filled with such joy and laughter. And who doesn’t love singing Christmas songs- even if they are in another language? One of the Thai women even wrapped and arm around my waist and had me dance with her. Despite the non-airconditioned room, it was wonderful. Don’t you love how Christ can turn strangers into friends?

After a short message the service ended with a dance recital. The young boys, young girls, and the moms. One thing I love about the Thai culture, they have no fear of being embarrassed. They simply enjoy life and laugh. Once the recital came to a close everyone at church is invited to stay for the free buffet lunch. We had to leave to run errands for school the next day but the pastor insisted next time we stay for lunch.

The entire event was such an experience and will forever remain one of the most memorable Christmas services we have ever attended. Everything about this Christmas season has been wonderful. Different, but wonderful. Can we talk about how precious some of the students from our school are as they prepare for our school Christmas show?

What is one of your favorite Christmas memories?






1 Comment

  1. Jim Akers
    December 24, 2014 / 12:49 pm

    Merry Christmas! A universal greeting that speaks to the hearts of every man, woman, and child. Blessing to you and your family.

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