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Cleansing Rain

Anyone else feel like the rain has stuck around a little longer than normal this year? While I am definitely ready for sunny weather & warmer temperatures to return, I am learning to love the rain. Life kind of stands still in the rain. The rain reminds us to slow down. There is something peaceful about sipping a hot tea and watching the raindrops slowly roll down my window- even if I am sitting in my office.

As I sit here, I can’t help but think about how this rain is cleaning away some of the dirt and smells of the city. At the same time, the rain is reminding me that I need to slow down and mentally take note of the cleanse that needs to happen within me. I’ve been carrying baggage, afraid to let go. It’s time for me to use this rainy weather to not only cleanse my city, but also my heart.

We are heading into spring- a time of new beginnings. It’s time to embrace this rain- letting it cleanse us of all the unnecessary until only the essential remains.

Have you been holding onto something also?
Is there something you need to be cleansed of?

Beyond Blessed Blog



1 Comment

  1. May 6, 2016 / 4:29 pm

    I really enjoyed this. I completely agree. I’ve been holding onto things I need to let go of. The spring is a great analogy for that.

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