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Blessed Community


{birthday fun at Top Golf}

You know the saying, ‘when it rains it pores?’ Well I am thankful to say that right now it is pouring blessings. This past month has been so sweet. The Lord has blessed us with incredible community, fellowship, and time. We are beginning to get clear direction in our upcoming change, which has given us the opportunity to have much more free time. And goodness what a gift it has been.  We’ve had the opportunity to get more plugged in at our church (which has been so rewarding), we are getting more involved in student ministry, and we have been surrounded by incredible community.  It is so true- the more you give, the more you receive.

When we first moved back to Texas we really struggled to find solid community.  But the Lord really does have a sense of humor. We have been overwhelmingly blessed by friendships made through our church and through reconnecting with high school friends. Many of you may not know, but I was not walking with the Lord in high school… And neither were most of my friends. But the Lord has brought a few of us full circle and now we get to rejoice in His goodness and grace. This has made our friendship even sweeter!

This past weekend was my incredible husband’s 26th birthday so we got to spend a weekend being intentional with a handful of our friends. The weekend was full of laughter, fun, and worship of our Heavenly Father. Life is so much sweeter when each day is spent praising Him! This weekend was a beautiful reminder that the Lord created us to remain in fellowship with one another. Not only does it bring us joy, but it helps us to praise His name all the more!

Praying you all have a wonderful week and spend some quality time in fellowship with others!


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{forgot to charge my camera & it died. thank goodness for phones!}

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So incredibly blessed by you honey!! Words cannot convey how thankful I am for the man the Lord has created you to be! Cannot wait for all of the adventures the Lord has in store for this next year! xox





  1. January 27, 2014 / 12:02 pm

    Looks like fun time with friends!

  2. January 28, 2014 / 8:07 am

    Community is so priceless! We’ve been so fortunate to be a part of such a good group this year, it’s been amazing!!

    • February 5, 2014 / 8:39 am

      Amen! Blessed to be surrounded by great people- in person and online ;) xox

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