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Create Your Life Story

“If a story is just life without the meaningless scenes —
I wondered if life could be lived more like a good story in the first place.
I wondered whether a person could plan a story for his life and live it intentionally.”
Donald Miller 

“The ambitions we have will become the stories we live.
If you want to know what a person’s story is about, 
just ask them what they want.
If we don’t want anything, we are living boring stories...
If it won’t work in a story, it won’t work in life.”
-Donald Miller

Anyone else love the start of a new year? It’s still January, which means we have 11+ months to turn this year into a great story- a story worth remembering… a story worth sharing. Caleb and I both have so many dreams and ambitions- big, small and all of the in between. I shared a handful of our goals for 2019 here, but my long term life goals are a bit more private.

Create Your Life Story

I love the way Donald Miller looks at life- as though life can be viewed {or even written} as a story. There are so many uncertainties about 2019, but one thing I want to make sure of is that each day of 2019 helps write out the story I yearn for my life to tell. I want my life to be a story of love, a story of adventure, a story of faithfulness.

I’m going to sound cliché, but I’m going to say it anyways. Your life is a story and each day is a page. Each day you are writing the story of your life. You are creating your legacy. Each goal you set and each memory you make is part of your story. As you look at 2019, I want to encourage you to turn your year into a story worth remembering- a story worth telling. Start by thinking about what you want your legacy to be. What is your life story about? What do you want your life story to say? Then decide what you need to do this year to start writing that story!

What do you want your story to be about?
What are some of your long-term life goals?

I created detailed goal sheets a few years ago and they truly helped me plan out the steps need
to make our story come true. Email me if you want a copy!




  1. Amanda
    February 1, 2019 / 4:30 pm

    LOVE this!!! Redoing my goals list this weekend now!

  2. February 4, 2019 / 6:59 pm

    how cute are you?! what a contagious smile!

  3. ashley hargrove
    February 4, 2019 / 10:26 pm

    These photos are absolutely adorable! I definitely love the start of a new year. It gives me time to create new goals and start new chapters in my life!

  4. Chelsea
    February 25, 2019 / 5:18 pm

    LOVE that first quote!! Such an amazing way to look at life!

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