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Every Day a Holiday

Go ahead and laugh- but one of my favorite things about being married is that I have someone to celebrate with 24/7. My Husband is constantly reminding me of how blessed we are and how beautiful life is. The Word tells us that because we have life in Him, we can find joy and celebrate! Because of this we can make light of our struggles and find a reason to celebrate daily. Since getting married last August I feel as though my Husband and I celebrate something everyday. Our celebrations vary from making a fun dinner together at home, going out to get ice cream together, dancing anywhere & everywhere together (literally, we are that couple), or just goofing around constantly. Life is a celebration and together every day is a holiday. Today I want to encourage you to find a way to make your day a holiday. Do something fun. Do something different. Then come back and share with me what you did! (Or what you plan on doing!) Any fun suggestions?

(One of my favorite websites is Open Bible. This website lets you type in any topic and it gives you a list of any verses that may be applicable to your search.
Click here for my search for “Celebrating Life”).

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  1. May 24, 2013 / 10:19 am

    Hey Chloe!
    I read this while on the phone with my boyfriend Deryk (http://derykstoops.wordpress.com) who is a pastor down in Georgia. We are currently doing the long distance thing (I am from NJ..) and each little day is a celebration as we get closer to the time we are together again. Today is 38 days! We end each night praying on the phone together and then saying “only __ days left!” This helps it feel like its passing faster and each little day is one day closer. Maybe to celebrate today I’ll get a my nails done or have some ice cream- always good ideas! Love your post! Have a great day!

    • May 24, 2013 / 5:59 pm

      Hey Courtney!
      I love that! My husband is actually from Georgia and we did long distance for 2 years before we got married (him Georgia, me Texas). So excited your long distance will be coming to a close soon! We felt like the long distance blessed us in a sense that we had to be much more intentional with our conversations. Excited for you two to celebrate together! Be blessed!

  2. May 24, 2013 / 1:53 pm

    I love this! After being with my husband for almost 19 years (this August) I am happy to say, we are still “that couple” Blessed for sure!

    • May 24, 2013 / 6:00 pm

      I love hearing from others who have been married for so long! What a beautiful gift and blessing! So excited for you two and so glad to hear that you are still “that couple.” So sweet and inspiring! Any tips? :) Be blessed

  3. May 24, 2013 / 6:03 pm

    My husband and I are about to celebrate the joys of animals by fostering 2 kittens for the local humane society. About to have a full house! But it is only for 2 weeks. :) let the adventure begin!

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