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Exactly What You Need

enjoy the little things

{background art from a talented friend of mine}

Don’t you just love it when the Lord uses the ‘little things’ in life to bless your heart the most? Earlier this week I left work stressed and extremely flustered because our website transition was not going as I had planned. {I hired someone to move my boss’s website to wordpress.org and while he did a great job moving the content, I did not realize that another individual had done the ‘design’ aspect of all the previous work he had shown me. basically, I need to learn design and theme work… my basic little blog is one thing- a company website is another.} As I was driving home {flustered/stressed} I received the sweetest message from one of the girls from my middle school Bible study group two years ago.  The message was short but so encouraging. The Lord used her to bless my heart exactly how I needed.

Life is too short and too sweet to spend time flustered. We must savor every moment. Her sweet words not only blessed me but they also reminded me to bless others. Words are powerful.

Take a moment to text someone a few words of encouragement!
You never know, you might be the blessing they need at that exact moment!




  1. Robert Budd
    September 6, 2013 / 10:31 am

    Needed that today

  2. Sarah Heath
    September 7, 2013 / 10:02 pm

    I feel like a complete stalker – but I am going to pretend it is more of a “secret admirer” thing going on…love your blog and Instagram AND Pinterest. You make my heart happy! And, this post was such a good reminder and helped me to find a few minutes to send some messages to sweet friends! I hope you are using the weekend to relax and find some time for YOU!

    • September 13, 2013 / 10:31 am

      Haha Sarah you are precious!! We can just call it friends or sisters :) Your sweet words blessed me more than you know! Thank you. So glad you reached out to your friends and sent them words of encouragement. Be blessed sister belle!

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