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Fill Your Cup

New York city fill your cup beyond blessed blog

It’s Thursday, which means the work week is coming to a close and the weekend is drawing near. It’s finally beginning to feel like spring here in New York City and I could not be more excited! I’m already dreaming of sunny days in the park, eating outside and long weekend strolls down cobblestone streets.

Yesterday, I sat down with a cup of tea and made a list of things that fire me up or fill my cup. Most of them are simple things, things I can do quickly or in the office.  So here is my list. I’m going to schedule time each day for myself- time where I can make sure my cup is filled. After all- you can’t pour from an empty cup! {tweet that}

10-15 minutes of activity {inside or outside}
Healthier meals {any suggestions?}
Reading a good book
Time in the Word
Time in prayer {I love journaling my prayers}
Time outside {yay spring!}
Make a list of blessing {big and small}
Time talking with a good friend
Time alone

 What would be on your list? How do you fill your cup?

New York city fill your cup beyond blessed blog 2

New York city fill your cup beyond blessed blog 3






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