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Fully Alive

Life is short- beautiful, but short. I was reminded of this by an event that took place in my office earlier this week. Life can be changed or taken away in an instant. As I sat there wishing I could do more than just pray, I began to reflect on my life and the purpose of life.

I believe God created us to be fully alive. If Jesus is our example, then we are to be fully engaged and spending our time doing what matters. Even though Jesus had access to unlimited and unfathomable resources, He worked with simple tools- tools we all have access to. He used His time, His love and His purpose. That was all He needed to change the world.

Each day we have the opportunity to make someone feel special, to help them recognize their worth & to know the love of Yahweh. We don’t have to do anything extraordinary, just stop what we are doing and share a moment of our lives with them.

I once read a quote that says ‘how we spend our time is how we spend our lives.’ I want to make the most of my time and my life, don’t you? How we spend our time tells the world what is important to us, what we value most. Our lives tell a story and we should be using our time to create a story worth reading. The story we write through our lives may not end up printed in a book, but it will be read by those who live alongside us, those whom we interact with- even if just for a moment.

God has placed a unique design inside your heart to make moments unlike any other.  Let’s make each moment count. Let’s choose to live fully alive and fully engaged.

What do you want your story to say about your life?

If you haven’t read Bob Goff’s “Love Does” or Donald Miller’s “A Million Miles in a Thousand Years,” then you are missing out! Seriously. These two books touch on this subject and are well worth the read. I would give them away to everyone if I could- they are that good!








  1. February 7, 2016 / 7:46 pm

    Amen! I have been thinking a lot about this same thing lately. I start scrolling through Instagram and Facebook feeds and I look up and 30 minutes have gone by. I should be reading my Bible more or doing something to encourage someone in the flesh…so this is definitely something I think about often and want to do a better job at. Thanks for sharing. XO

  2. February 8, 2016 / 8:33 pm

    This is such truth!!! We don’t need a million resources but love and time. Hard things in life are never fun but I’m thankful that those hard moments allow us to reflect and grow.

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