I thoroughly believe in the power of a written goal and love looking back on previous years to see how much I’ve grown. So as I enter into this next decade, I’ve decided to write down a handful of goals I have for my 30s.
- Listen more, speak less :: I really want to focus on listening more and speaking less in my 30s. I’m quite opinionated, but that doesn’t mean I need to always share my opinions. In this next decade I want to become a better listener.
- Focus on quality over quantity :: In every aspect of life – friends, purchases, food, etc.
- Take more videos :: Growing up my parents always made home videos. I really want to start creating more YouTube videos or videos in general to commemorate each season of our life. A girlfriend of mine shared a vlog from one of her trips to Thailand from 3 years ago and it made me so sad to realize I don’t have many {if any} videos from our year in Thailand. I want to be able to look back at various seasons and watch them!
- Become fluent in French :: I’m proud of how much French I’ve learned the past 2 years, but still am a long way from being fluent. In my 30s I’m determined to become fluent!
- Print more pictures :: I love taking photos. But I hardly ever print them. I had intended to make a photobook of 2020, but when our year became more house-bound, I stopped keeping up with it. I haven’t even made Cayson’s first year of life book. I really want to create more picture books.
- Become a morning person :: Everyone said I would become a morning person when we have kids. Well, Cayson likes sleeping in almost as much as I do. Who knows, maybe Baby C will make me a morning person?
- Visit at least 10 new countries :: I truly believe few traveling is one of the most rewarding, view-shaping experiences. I love how it pushes us out of our comfort zones, introduces us to new cultures and helps give us a better idea of how omnipotent our God is. I want to continue exploring and introducing my boys to the world!
- Focus on nutrition :: 2020 taught us to cook at home or eat at home more often. But that doesn’t mean our meals were more nutritious. I want to start focusing more on WHAT I put into my body in my 30s.
- Exercise more :: Anyone else go through phases of working out consistently and then I’ll go weeks {or months?} without thinking of about working out. In my 30s I want to be better about practicing yoga and building up my strength.
- Start reading more :: Before Cayson I loved to read. And while I’ve read a book here and there since he was born, I just haven’t made reading a priority. I really want to get back to reading more often.
- Declutter :: In the past couple of years I’ve gotten much more organized, but in my 30s I want to clear the clutter even more and stay tidier.

blazer similar :: blouse :: jeans :: shoes :: necklace

I love your outlook, very inspiring! And the photos are amazing. I think you are right on target with your goals. Embrace your 30’s. You won’t regret it.
I love this list. You’ve got a lot of exciting adventure ahead of you. Have Fun.
Are you me?! Almost half of my goals list would read like yours, including the taking videos bit and eating well. I’ve been trying to become a morning person and exercise more regularly, but just have not been able to crack it! Good luck to you (and me!) :)
You need one more goal. In your 30’s you can spend more time with Pop POP and Bubunya. 😀
I’m 4 years into the 30’s and definitely couldn’t agree more on focusing on quantity over quality! Think I’ve been subconsciously doing this. But your list is spot on. Wishing you good years ahead!
This was such a fun list to read, many of which I am also working on while in my 30s now. I actually just had a conversation with a friend the other day about how we take more pictures than ever in today’s society with high-quality camera phones in hand, but we never do anything with them. I miss the days of printing photos that you could flip through and take a walk down memory lane. We agreed that we would both start making photobooks for different trips, events and occasions so that we can fully appreciate the photos that we’re taking.
Can’t go wrong with this list! ;) I think we all need to set goals, and just live our best life.
Great goal. focus on nutrition, education and traveling sounds like my own plan for my 30s
Those are all really amazing and sensible goals! I especially like listening more, that‘s such an important skill. Great to have this list to work towards.
I love your list. Memory keeping (printing pictures on your list) is so important. I made my first and last scrapbook during my son’s first year, it ended up being 4 scrabooks long. It was a huge project. Then I discovered photobooks on Shutterfly and Mixbook, and now I have a photobook for each year and every single trip and everyone loves looking at them. The best thing, you can print as many of the copies as you want. (great gifts if you went on a trip together with someone and most people don’t make photobooks)