You know how sometimes you just get a feeling that something is going to be good? Like really good? I have that feeling about my 32nd year of life. And today that year begins!
I love setting goals for each year of my life. It helps remind me to live intentionally and to focus on what really matters. And by writing them out and sharing them publicly, I feel as though I have a little extra accountability. So as I enter into this next year of life- here are 10 goals for my 32 year of life {in no particular order} :
- Get more organized :: Slowly but surely I’ve gotten better about being organized. Since our move from NYC I’ve been intentional about having less clutter and that has helped immensely. I want to continue decluttering and getting back down to the basics. Do you have any organization tips or Pinterest boards? If so, please share them in the comments!
- Build a community :: We had amazing friends in New York, but the downside of NYC is that it is a very transient city. So over the course of almost a decade in the city, we found ourselves constantly making friends and saying goodbye. This year, we want to really focus on building a community for both ourselves and for our boys.
- Host more :: Growing up, my parents’ home was always filled with my friends. Sometimes I would even wake up to find my friends had invited themselves over and were eating breakfast with my parents. I loved it! They had an open door policy & everyone took advantage of it. I want to make our home the space everyone congregates and feels loved, safe & welcome.
- Spend more time with family :: When we first moved from Thailand to NYC my parents lived in the city too, so we spent tons of time together! After my parents left NYC, my brother & sister-in-law moved to the city and we loved having them nearby. At the moment my parents, younger brother and our little family are living in Missouri and while we do see each other often, I want to take better advantage of it. I’m not sure when my younger brother and I will live near each other again since both of our long term goals are based in different states. I would also love to spend more time with my aunts/uncles, cousins & my cousins’ kids at the beach in this next year of life!
- Make our house a home :: When we moved out of NYC, we donated 99% of our furniture. So we are literally starting from scratch. Over the course of this next year I want to start investing in pieces that help create a home. If you have any favorite brands/pieces/stores/etc please let me know!
- Get more consistent in the kitchen :: I love baking from scratch, but when it comes to cooking meals… that’s another story. I really want to get better about cooking healthy meals this year. If you have any go-to recipes please share them with me!!!
- Find a new church :: We loved our church in NYC, but since leaving the city we haven’t been as plugged in to a church as I would like. This year I want to find a new church and join a new Bible study group.
- Create more videos :: Cayson goes through stages where he asks to watch the old Youtube videos I created of us as a family. He strangely loves them! Since Ciaran was born I haven’t made a single one. I want to get back into creating videos- even if they are just a couple minutes long. I love you Youtube is an easy platform that can hold all of our family videos.
- Spend more time in the Word :: My devotional time has been lacking recently and this year I want to renew my love of my morning quiet time. Do you have a devotional you love?
- SHARE OUR NEWS & get your suggestions!! :: We’ve been working on something exciting and I can’t wait to share it with you all! Once we share our news, I’ll need your help/suggestions- so stay tuned!!
Photos by Stephanie Weber Photography
find previous goals here

I think these are wonderful goals no matter how old you are. Community and family are so important. I love these.
You have some great goals! Moving is not easy, it took me a few years to really build my community when we moved from Florida to Texas but now we have amazing friends here and love our group.
Nnniiiiccceeeee…I love all these goals that you have set. Don’t forget to be by yourself, at the end of each day.
These are all wonderful goals. they keep us going and stay centered on our dreams. I too want to be more organized. Also, you have such a lovely family!
These are all really great goals! I really love this list! Spending more time with our family is the goal that everyone of us should achieve.
These are really great goals. At 32, I had 2 little babies and my goal was to spend as much time with them as possible before they went to college. 13 years later and we still have fun together (even though they are grumpy teenagers sometimes).
Getting organized is very important. There are great things to have and develop because it takes time for these to happen. Thank you for sharing!
I could SO adopt many of your ideas. Getting more organized and being in the kitchen more are the ones that spoke to me most!
Lots of lovely goals! I wish you the best as you explore each one :) thank you for sharing with us!
I love the idea of making goals each year! Such an intentional way to celebrate your birthday and look forward to the year ahead!
I do understand that you mentioned get organized . This is the one that we all struggle with