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Here’s to a Lifetime of Adventures!

Who doesn’t love a wedding? The love, joy, fellowship, dancing, celebration… Oh I don’t know where to even begin. Although I have only attended a handful of weddings, I do know that my favorite part of the wedding is the ceremony. No contest. It is during the ceremony where I feel as though you get a small glimpse of the pure love shared between the bride and the groom.  Watching the couple make a covenant with each other and the Lord to love & cherish one another for as long as they both shall live just warms my heart. A wedding is so much more than a romantic gesture, it is a commitment for life.

The moment the bride begins her walk down the aisle (which I imagine feels like the longest walk ever- cannot WAIT to experience this) I begin holding back tears… which usually a couple escape between the sweet, sweet moments and funny moments. It is not  until the happily married couple begins their walk back down the aisle together that I am able to pull myself back together. I am beyond excited  for the ceremony!

As a true daddy’s girl I cannot wait to walk down the aisle by my fathers side, have him lift my blusher, then present me to my soon-to-be husband. My heart speeds up and I find myself grinning just thinking about it!  I cannot wait to enter a covenant with Caleb before the Lord, our family and friends! Here is to a lifetime of adventures!



  1. July 21, 2012 / 7:40 am

    bless! Your post made me smile… I love your fantastic spirit :)

    • July 21, 2012 / 10:26 am

      You are far too sweet- YOUR comment just made me smile :) Thank you for stopping by!

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