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Highlights of 2017

Highlights of 2017

To say 2017 was a life changing year would be an understatement. My heart is full simply sitting here and reminiscing about all the memories we created in over the past 365 days and I am giddy simply thinking about all the adventures to come in 2018! So much happened and when I look back, I can’t help but smile and praise the Lord! It was a year filled with blessings and each and every one of you were a huge part of it!  These were are a few of my favorite highlights of 2017!


2017 was a year of travel! We didn’t travel internationally much in 2016, but we certainly made up for it in 2017. We started out 2017 in Paris– my favorite city in the world! As the year continued we made our way to Colmar, Geneva, London, Amsterdam, Berlin, Dublin, Israel and so many other incredible places. We had the opportunity to work with so many of my favorite brands while traveling and I am still humbled that work brings me to so many gorgeous places around the world! We also made a plethora of trips to California, Arizona, Florida, Branson, Georgia, Tennessee, West Virginia, Maryland, New Jersey and so many other beautiful parts of the US. It is bittersweet having family literally coast to coast.


In 2017 we moved apartments in NYC and I officially quite my full time job. Literally two dreams come true! I now work full time running this blog and working for my mom’s company. Who knew my schedule would become even MORE hectic leaving my 9-6 corporate job and working from home with my own schedule. Either way, I wouldn’t change it for the world and am thrilled to see what other changes are around the corner!

And of course, the biggest highlight of all was finding out we were pregnant with a baby boy! We did know we wanted to get pregnant in 2017, but honestly hadn’t put much thought into the whole “trying” process. Stay tuned- as I’ll be sharing more about my pregnancy, how we found out we were pregnant, answering a ton of questions I’ve been asked on social media and more very soon!


What are some of your favorite memories from 2017?
What are you looking forward to in 2018?

Highlights of 2017

sweater c/o :: leggings



  1. January 9, 2018 / 8:39 pm

    Okay, this is SO cute. Love your year recap! Also, I’m obsessed with your new layout…so clean and pretty!
    -Kate // http://www.classyandkate.com

  2. Robert budd
    January 10, 2018 / 10:50 am

    Loved traveling some with you and looking forward to being a grandfather (pop pop)

  3. Robert budd
    January 10, 2018 / 10:50 am

    Loved traveling some with you and looking forward to being a grandfather (pop pop)

  4. Nataly
    January 15, 2018 / 10:27 am

    It sounds like you had a wonderful 2017! Hoping 2018 is even better!

  5. Brooke
    January 15, 2018 / 7:48 pm

    Chloe! You are such a doll! I just love you to pieces!


  6. Ashley DTKAustin
    January 15, 2018 / 10:20 pm

    I am so jealous of all of your amazing travel!! I need to plan some fun trips in 2018!

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