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Hope & Expectations


Hope • a feeling of expectation & a desire for a certain thing to happen.


Anyone else love the definition of hope?  I think it is just beautiful. Hope seems to be a theme in my life right now.

I have so many hopes and dreams for the next few years.  I’m way behind on where I would like to be for my goal planning in 2016- but it’s okay, I’m choosing to let grace cover my tardiness. I’ve spent a lot of time recently digging into my goal sheets. These goal sheets were created from a combination of books, pinterest, & personal requirements. They force me to dig into my core and ask important questions.  Goals are great, but goals with deep intention & meaning are better.

My goals for 2016 are filled with hope for the future. Hope to grow as an individual & as a couple, to further invest in our community, to grow closer to the Lord, for our future littles & who they will be one day, hope and dreams for our future jobs/work, to travel and so, so much more.

Our hope is filled with expectation. We know the Lord works in mysterious ways and that He will make our paths clear. But while we sit and pray into these hopes, we are soaking up this precious time.  Over the past few years the Lord has taught me to live in the present.  Life continues to happen while we make plans for the future.  I want to enjoy the here and now.

 What are some of your hopes, dreams, & goals?




  1. Jennifer @This Off Script Life
    February 23, 2016 / 2:39 am

    Such a beautiful post. Where would we be without hope in the world?

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