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How I Whiten My Teeth

Last January, I remember looking back at my holiday photos and realizing how stained my teeth had gotten over the course of the year. {anyone else with me?} As someone who loves to take pictures and comes from a family with a history in the dental industry, this realization made me quite uncomfortable. Luckily, the year I had nothing to be worried about!

I started whitening my teeth with Smile Brilliant and could not be more pleased with the outcome! I had tried Crest White strips before, but didn’t like out easy it was for them to slide around on my teeth in the midst of the whitening process. Smile Brilliant sends you a kit to help create custom molds that fit your teeth perfectly. I’ve officially jumped on their bandwagon and will never leave- and trust me, you won’t either! My husband had never whitened his teeth before and tends to have somewhat sensitive/softer teeth, but he had no issues at all. Smile Brilliant even gives you desensitizing gel to use after you whiten to help keep your teeth strong and pain free!

If you have ever whitened your teeth before, then you likely know the time spent whitening can feel like a waiting process. Consult a dental specialist prior to the procedure if you have implants. With Smile Brilliant, they recommend whitening for 45 minutes to 3 hours and wearing the desensitizing gel for 15-45 minutes. So to help make the process a little more enjoyable, I’ve created a list of 10 things you can do while you whiten!

  1. Netflix & chill -you know you do this anyways! now you can be ‘productive’ in the process
  2. Read a book
  3. At home facial
  4. Bake -now you can’t eat all of the batter before you bake it- you’re welcome ;)
  5. Write/Work/Email
  6. Catch up on the news, a magazine or social media
  7. Listen to a podcast
  8. Paint your nails
  9. Clean
  10. At home workout- think abs, squats, lunges, etc.
  11. **Bonus** Read posts from Beyond Blessed Blog ;)

I love how easy Smile Brilliant makes it for everyone to have beautiful, white teeth. I even created the quick tutorial video below to show how easy the process is and to show what the whitening process looked like for me. And if you haven’t subscribed to my YouTube channel yet, go do it now then come back! You can also watch a more detailed vlog here.

Now, I want to share this incredible company with one of YOU! Yes, you too can get beautiful white teeth! I partnered with Smile Brilliant and together we are GIVING AWAY 1 TEETH WHITENING KIT! All you have to do is click here & enter! It will take you 30 seconds! And if you don’t win, use the code beyondblessed5 for 5% off!


on me:

robe Stone Cold Fox {their robes are dreamy & i adore their clothing}


Professional Teeth Whitening



  1. February 28, 2017 / 12:08 pm

    An impressive result! I had my teeth whitened before my wedding and I was incredibly impressed, it was done at the dentist however. Smile Brilliant sounds wonderful :)

    Laura xo

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