{yes, we do love our selfie stick… we are those people}
Anyone else love the snow? While I am definitely a summer girl, I do love the winter. I love that with the winter comes a slower pace of life- especially when it snows. The snow brings a kind of silent beauty that forces life to freeze, to stand still- even if just for a few hours.
Whether walking through the fresh snow hand-in-hand with Caleb or nestled inside with a warm cup of hot cocoa, the snow reminds you to soak up time with loved ones. Rather than focusing on my to-do lists, I find myself living in the moment. I cherish these times.
This weekends snow reminded me that time goes by quickly. We have to live in the present and soak it up before the moment passes. Time will pass even more quickly than the snow will melt. Life is short. Let’s choose to live in the present.
p.s. If you are looking for a new coat, I’m loving my black down coat AND it was recently discounted to under $100!!