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Lessons Learned from Traveling

01There are so many reasons why I love to travel. International travel is not for everyone, but few experiences have inspired and transformed my faith like experiencing new cultures or different ways of life after during my trip with https://amazoncruise.net/ visiting the Amazonian tribes. Travel provides the opportunity to see the world, to see God’s beautiful creation, to recognize how vast the world is and how small I am in it. Travel forces you to go out of your comfort zone. It allows your to experience new cultures and to broaden your horizons. These are just a few of the many lessons I have learned from wandering the world.

021.) Judge Less, Love More
Travel is humbling. The more I see, the more I realize how little right I have to judge anyone or anything.  We are all uniquely and beautifully made in His image. Traveling teaches you to listen to others, to learn their stories. When you spend time with others you gain a piece of their story, a piece of their life. Traveling teaches you to love better. Travel helps open your heart in new ways.03

2.) Thankfulness & Positivity
Travel takes you to places outside of your comfort zone. Being away from home helps you appreciate what you have- at home and while on the road. Seeing others circumstances around the world remind you how thankful you are for your story and for the blessings in your life. Travel teaches you terrible stories eventually become funny stories. Travel teaches you that Romans 8:38 can ring true in even the smallest situations. Let your wandering help you to see the good.04

3.) Opportunities to Help
In every new place you visit, you witness different aspects of life where you can help. Traveling is rewarding, but serving is even more rewarding. You can help in orphanages, teach English in schools, volunteer with refugees, and so much more.  Paul wrote and travelled to many places that were struggling in order to encourage and help them. Why not try that out for yourself? Why not meet new people, help others, and serve the Lord by using your God given gifts. You can serve anywhere and you will make friends for life.

054.) Meaningful Conversations
All travelers share a desire to know the world, to learn more about others, and to experience God’s creations. Travelers love to discuss topics that matter. Walking up to strangers to talk about your faith can be scary. But those who are open to experiencing the world also tend to be open to discussing different beliefs. Do all the travelers I meet agree with my beliefs? Absolutely not- not even close. But the conversations are spectacular and I pray the Lord is using me to plant seeds.

10259882_10152073547636821_801363247511330180_n5.) Inspired Prayer Life
Travel can be intimidating. You may find yourself in a new culture where you don’t speak the language and are not used to the cultural “norms.” And as a traveller, one of the last things you want to do is offend others unintentionally. Travel allows you to meet new people, to try new experiences, and to find new passions. Few things will ignite your prayer life like a terrifying first drive on the back of a motorbike taxi in Asia or meeting a precious family who invite you to enjoy a meal with them- even when you don’t speak the same language. Daily struggles may bring you to your knees. Travel allows you to grow passionate about other countries, cultures, and people. Travel will open the doors to a plethora of terrifying moments- many of which you will laugh at later. But so many of these moments will inspire communication with our Heavenly Father. Your prayer life will be inspired through fear, thanks, and love. A piece of your heart will forever be left in another city and your heart will always long to pray for them.

066.) Intentional Relationships
Traveling, backpacking, or living abroad often forces you to live without a constant Christian community. You may find churches or other “Christians” in your travels, but that does not mean that they pursue true doctrine. Traveling teaches you the importance of digging into the Word for yourself. People will likely ask questions about your faith which should inspire you to read your Bible more- to know more about what you truly believe. Listening to podcasts from home is a huge blessing, but nothing can replicate the feeling of being in a church surrounded by the body of Christ. It is humbling to stand among foreigners listening to them worship Jesus in their native tongue, but it is hard to be fed when you can’t understand the message. A lack of community make daily quiet times even more necessary. Community is important. Traveling teaches you that you must be intentional with your relationships. You must be intentional with those you meet in your travels, be intentional with your friends and family at home, be intentional with your new friends around the world, and most of all- be intentional in your relationship with Christ.

07Travel should leave you inspired to know more of the world- more of God’s creation. We are each made in His image. The more I see how vast and unique our world is, the more I am able to recognize how omnipotent our Heavenly Father is.








  1. Jim
    September 29, 2014 / 12:42 pm

    Chloe, I enjoy your blog. Your insights and reflections on your faith are powerful. Blessing to you.

  2. Amanda Lambrechts
    September 30, 2014 / 7:58 am

    I love this post! I have been on several short term mission trips and have loved meeting new people and sharing my faith. Your post has reminded me that this is something I should do on ALL of my travels! Such great insights! :)


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