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Let’s Do This



I am a big fan of New Years Resolutions. Am I saying that you should wait until New Years to start making resolutions, no. But it is a new year and allows you to have a new start. So why not start here?

A couple of years ago my parents taught me the secret of their success. Okay, it’s not really a secret. But it certainly did help me and I have been hooked ever since! Each year my parents get together and make a list of all (a lot of) the things they want to accomplish in the upcoming year. These goals cover everything from donations, investments, fitness, spirituality, professional and more. From there they take each goal and figure it out exactly what steps must be taken in order to accomplish it. What must they do monthly, weekly, daily. Realistically, what must they do or not do. As Jeff Olson says, “these things are easy to do, and easy not to do.”


You must be intentional about choosing to do the things that will lead you to the success you desire. So what is stopping you? You have all of the tools you need for success. Let’s do this!!







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