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Life Begins When…



The more I study the Word and the more I release the firm grip I have on my life, the more I get it. I mean really get it. I’ve never really shared my testimony and maybe one day I will. My fear in sharing it is that someone will read it and think to themselves ‘well if she did that and now loves Jesus, then I have time to live my rebellious years too.’ But honestly, we aren’t promised tomorrow.

Right now I am overwhelmed with what Yahweh is doing in our lives. This weekend I had coffee with a sweet friend of mine. She made a statement that I could not agree with more. She said something along the lines of, ‘I just want to scream it on a mountain top! I wish everyone could understand and know the joy that comes with following Jesus!’ I have said some variation of this exact line to my husband at least 10 times over the past 2 weeks! If you haven’t already given up {or at least have began to loosen} that grip you we  all desperately try to have on our lives, give up! The good news is He wins! Which ultimately means we win! Can I get a hallelujah, praise Jesus?!

I’ve always had a plan for my life. Where I was going to go to college, where I would move after college, the company I would start after college, the time I would get married, and so much more. Well, the Lord has laughed at my plans {praise Jesus} and has given me even better ones.  When I saw a glimpse of the actual plan He had for my life I began to make more plans. Plans I thought complemented His plans. Again, the Lord laughed. And again He has provided bigger and better plans than I could have ever fathomed! He has changed my heart and I am continually praying for His direction and for Him to be the sole meaning of my life. I want every aspect of my life to bring Him praise. I cannot wait to share with you all the plans He has for my husband and I, but the time isn’t right just yet. But I will ask for your prayer and support. We are excited and nervous at the same time. Our Abba is good and we cannot wait to walk in His will!

“Many are the plans in a person’s heart, but it is the LORD’s purpose that prevails.”
Proverbs 19:21




  1. September 16, 2013 / 2:15 pm

    Share your testimony, Girl. Don’t worry or be afraid. Our testimony is the greatest tool we have to further the Gospel and lend hope to the lost and wayward. Revelation 12:11. God bless you on your way!

  2. September 16, 2013 / 3:29 pm

    You can definitely get an AMEN! There is FULLNESS OF JOY in the presence of our Lord (Ps. 16:11)!!

    I encourage you as GWM did to share your testimony. It’s not about you. It’s about JESUS. Through your story, others will see Him – His great love and mercy, His pursuit, His redemption. Do not be afraid. People that will not have soft hearts (and will see your testimony as a reason to continue rebelling) are just not ready and open to God. It’s all in HIS hands and according to His timing. All we do is obey and share Him, and leave the results/outcome up to Him.

    Thank you for your blog. It is bright and encouraging.

    May the Lord richly bless you as you seek after and live in Him~

    In Christ,
    Natalie (wordprocessor)

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