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Life is a Fairy Tale

Growing up little girls’ dream of fairy tales,  romance, adventures, relationships and beauty.  We are raised watching Disney movies and other fairy tales that cause us to yearn for our own knight in shining armor and our own happily ever after.

As I was listening to the radio today the radio host made a statement, which many of us have accepted to be true. She stated ‘life is not a fairy tale.’  Do you agree with this statement? I have to completely disagree. Life is a fairy tale.

Look at all the Disney princesses. Yes, their stories are filled with romance, adventures and beauty but they are also filled with trials. Cinderella lost her father and was raised in a situation with little love from her family, Ariel always thought the grass was greener on the other side,  Belle was an outcast who got lost and was forced to live somewhere and with someone she didn’t like… The list goes on and on. But because all of these movies end with the girl marrying her handsome prince and concludes with a banner that says “Happily Ever After” we assume life is perfect from then on and she has found pure joy.

Think about your own life. God has given us the ultimate fairy tale. He gave us our own “Happily Ever After” through His Son.  Talk about the greatest romance/relationship. Because of this gift we get to have our own adventures. He has filled us with a beauty that radiates from the inside out. We already have a knight in shining armor.  But He has given us more then that. While we are here on this earth we have the opportunity to create our own fairy tales. Each day presents a plethora of opportunities for adventure. We get to have deep, meaningful relationships. And some of us might just find our knight in shining armor (I know I did).  We just have to choose to recognize that we have a beauty worth unveiling.

Your life IS a fairy tale- so live like it is.




  1. Valerie
    September 15, 2011 / 1:00 am

    that was incredible! I never thought of it like that.

    • September 22, 2011 / 5:09 pm

      Thanks :) I just got aggravated when I heard the woman on the radio make that comment and had to share why

  2. Pingback: Fairy Tales are True |

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