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Life is Made up of Little Moments

 little moments

We’ve been in a serious season of change over here. First we moved apartments {which I am still unpacking/putting it together}, then I quit my job to work from home {and have since been featured on the New York Post and interviewed on ABC7 in Florida- wahoo}, in August alone I will be traveling to 3 different states and will be gone literally every weekend, and in September and October a few more changes are coming…  {stay tuned for the next change- when it rains it pours right?}

While this change is all exciting, it also means we are incredibly busy. This season of change has been messy {i.e. not photogenic} and has left me feeling guilty about the lack of content I have been sharing with you all. However, this season has also reminded me that life is made up of little moments- the messy moments. And these moments are worth celebrating because they help mold us. In my opinion, there is something beautiful about these seemingly insignificant moments.

This week, I want to celebrate the little moments in my day. From the first sip of coffee to the folding of laundry and the last kiss good-night. I want to allow myself to remember that each moment is a blessing- even if it that moment is an ordinary part of a routine. These moments should be cherished, because these moments make up our lives.

Be sure to subscribe below
& be the first to know more about this next change!

 little momentslittle moments


What little moments can you start celebrating today?

dress old, similar here :: watch c/o JORD :: turquoise bracelet from Vietnam, alos love this one
necklace vintage shop, similar here





  1. Ashley DTKAustin
    July 25, 2017 / 10:08 pm

    So many amazing things are happening! That’s so exciting but the stresses of being busy suck too! Just think of all of the relaxation and “you” time you’ll have when things settle down. :)

  2. Nataly
    July 30, 2017 / 3:58 pm

    So many exciting things happening in your life! Great post!

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