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Living with Reckless Abandon

 Plaza NYC beyond blessed Reckless abandon

“May your choices reflect your hopes, not your fears.” –Nelson Mandela

I love New York. Everyone here has a story and most people will share their story with you- if you give them the time. Last year my parents took me to a show called “My Son the Waiter: A Jewish Tragedy”… yes, you read that correctly. It was a one-man comedy about a 40-something Jewish waiter struggling to become an actor. The show was written by the aforementioned 40-something, struggling Jewish waiter. It really was quite funny.

While I won’t recommend this show to anyone coming to visit, I was surprised to realize how inspired I was when I walked away. This 40-something waiter/actor wasn’t willing to give up on his dream- even after years of ‘failure.’ He struggled to make ends meet, but pursued his passion with reckless abandon. Pursuing his dreams may not have led to the most luxurious life, but it led to a fulfilled life. He refused to give up on his dream.

As I was soaking up the new flowers beginning to blossom on 5th Avenue this weekend, I couldn’t help but think about what comes with spring. A new start, a fresh beginning, new growth. Winter gave us a season of rest and spring brings a season of opportunity.

This spring I want to live like the Jewish waiter/actor- not in fear of failure, but in the hope of what can be. Living with reckless abandon is not about fear, it’s about participation {tweet that}. I want to fully engaged and present. I yearn for my life to be full of love, adventure, & whimsy. To be totally cliché- ‘we only get one life, but if we live it right, once is enough.’

Plaza NYC beyond blessed Reckless abandon 2 Plaza NYC beyond blessed Reckless abandon 3

What are your plans for the spring?
How can you live & love with reckless abandon?

Beyond Blessed Blog



  1. April 2, 2016 / 5:21 pm

    sounds like an inspiring production.
    your post reminds me a lot of the documentary, ‘Jiro dreams of Sushi.’ have you seen it? if not, it’s on netflix, and i totally recommend watching it!

    lovely spring flowers. are those blooming in nyc already? i’m still waiting for flowers to bloom here but its supposed to snow tomorrow so it may not be soon. -_-

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