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Loy Krathong Festival


If you love to travel and enjoy experiencing other cultures, Loy Kratong in Thailand is a holiday you must add to your bucket list. It was truly a blessing to be able to celebrate alongside our neighbors and coworkers. Last week I shared a few photos of my students dressed in their traditional Thai attire and shared that we would be making floating lanterns later in the afternoon.

My students are still quite young so they made lanterns out of paper, cardboard, flowers, and candles. They were simple and beautiful. Caleb has older students so his students made lanterns out of banana tree trunks, banana leaves, flowers, and candles. They were absolutely gorgeous!! His students were even sweet enough to make Caleb a special floating lantern. Could they be any more adorable?

We decided to celebrate the holiday by going to the old city wall.  We were completely blown away by all of the activities that were set up. Everyone in our town seemed to be there enjoying the large night market and the live music before placing their floating lantern into the river and sending their flying lantern into the sky. Truly, the night was a fairytale. We met up with our Irish and English friends and soaked in the splendor of the evening. And as if the hundreds of floating lanterns in the sky weren’t magical enough, the night came to a close with fireworks. Best Thai holiday yet.

{sorry in advance for the photo overload. and i broke my favorite lens in vietnam… so please excuse any soft images as I get used to a different lens}

{Caleb’s students who made our floating lantern}

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