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Moments that Make My Heart Sing


Have I mentioned recently that I LOVE my little students? Teaching would not be my first career choice, but I absolutely adore the opportunities it presents. Caleb and I are very blessed that we teach at a Christian English Programme so most of our students speak pretty decent english. And although it is a Christian school, most of our students still proudly wear their Buddhist necklaces. While these necklaces break my heart, they create the PERFECT opportunity to ask them questions and talk about Jesus.

Every teacher here is required to teach a club. My club is swimming (praise the Lord for swim club in this crazy heat). Every week I have at least one student ask me to hold his or her Buddhist necklace- which means each week I have the opportunity to ask them questions about it. Today I had the opportunity to speak with two grade 5 students. I learned the boy, Nine, is a Buddhist and the girl, Ivy, is a Christian. What I love about this young age is how willing they are to listen. Nine could not tell me much about his Buddhist beliefs, but he could answer my questions about the Christian faith. However, he believes that the Bible is fiction. When I asked him why he believed the Bible was fiction he simply stated that his parents told him it is. Sweet little Nine agreed to talk with me next week after club about what he believes and why I believe the Bible is true.

Please be praying for the Lord to plant seeds, to provide wisdom, and to speak through me. Little conversations like these fill my heart with so much joy. It is moments like this that remind me of why I love Thailand.




  1. Michaela Novotná
    July 31, 2014 / 5:24 am

    It must be exciting to talk to those little kids and listen to their thought. I am a coach of small gymnasts and I love to talk to them as well. One of the girls wants to be a ballerina and she does everything to become so and she knows everything about ballet. However, she is only 6. It’s so sweet :)

  2. July 31, 2014 / 10:30 am

    What a precious photo! You are so sweet and doing such amazing things in Thailand right now! (PS yay for me figuring out how to comment!) xoxo

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