I really love the concept of a new year and setting new goals for the year. There is something romantic about the opportunity to start over with a clear slate and the endless possibilities that come with a new year. I 100% believe in the power of writing down a goal and have seen so many of my goals come true year after year, so here I am- writing them down again. Below are some of my goals for 2023! I also have a private vision board on my pinterest with inspiration for the year.
1.) Build a community :: In 2020, most of our NYC friends moved out of the city. And in 2022 we moved twice. So we desperately miss having a close community and look forward to making friends this year!
2.) Create family year books :: My phone is FILLED with photos I adore. This year I want to organize them and actually have them printed in coffee table style books. Anyone have a company they’ve made quality, coffee-table-style books from before?
3.) Get outside more :: Literally, I just want to spend more time outside this year. It doesn’t even matter what I’m doing- could be going for a walk, working outside, playing with my boys, paying croquet as a family, watching the boys at the playground, dining outside, etc. I just want to get more fresh air this year.
4.) Wake up earlier :: For a while I was really good about waking up early. I want to get back into the habit of waking up early to get more done before my boys are awake.
5.) Host more :: My parents have the gift of hosting. Our home was always filled with people and I loved it growing up. This year, I want to host more – from dinner parties with friends/family to kids gatherings and more. I want our home to be the melting pot where everyone feels welcome!
6.) Explore California :: Normally, my travel goals are all about international travel. But I’m actually really excited to stay more local this year and explore cities near us in California! We want to visit Santa Barbara, San Diego, Catalina, Tahoe, and so many other cities. Any cities or hotels you recommend?
7.) Blog more :: This site is filled with memories and photos I will cherish forever. But over the past couple years it has taken a bit more of a back seat. This year, I want to write more and share more again. I also want to get back to posting regularly to Instagram and start posting regularly on Tiktok.
8.) Try new recipes :: We’ve gotten better about trying new recipes, but now that we are settled I would love to get more into cooking. I want to start cooking more healthy meals and more exciting meals. Anyone have a go-to cookbook, blog or recipe?! Please share!
9.) Spend more time in the Word :: I used to love diving into the Word each morning before having kids. But the past few years I’ve spent more time reading devotionals than the actual Bible. I want to get back to the basics and spend more time reading His actual Word.
10.) More dates :: Since having kids, Caleb and I have been awful about scheduling date nights. We did getaway for our 10 year wedding anniversary, but other than that I can count on one {maybe two} hands how many dates we’ve gone on in the past year or two. This year, I want to prioritize dating each other again. Anyone have a favorite date idea? It can be a day date or evening date!
What’s one of your goals for the year?
sweater {under $30} :: solid tee {under $20, size down for a more fitted look}
skirt similar :: boots
location Rent Branson

Such great goals! I hope 2023 will be an amazing year for you. I`m waiting for the first new moon in January and ill write my goals and wishes too.
Such great goals you have set for the new year. Need to add some of them to my vision board as well. With blogging I have noticed how less and less time we spend with family because we are always on the run to another event. I really need to make time for my family to spend time with family and friends this year.
I too need to wake up earlier and spend more time in the Word. Hope our resolutions go well!!
You’ve set great goals! Getting in the Word will start your day & year off right.
I love all of these goals. I think community and physical activity are so important, and a lot of the things associated with both overlap.
Nnniiiccceeee…if you tick off all of them, you will be well-rounded this year and I love that for you! Best of luck.
I’ve used shutterfly before to make a few actual books of photos, I haven’t done it in a while though so this reminds me I want to make an update one. I am also running low on space to keep my kids art work so I am thinking about taking nice photos of it all and putting it together into an art book featuring their work so I can always look back on it even if things get damaged, lost or need to be thrown out.
Goal settings are important and I also have my resolutions every year, thanks a lot for sharing these and looks like you are on the right track!
Looks like you have plenty of goals to keep you busy this year! I think you’ll have a lot of fun. Hope you and your family have a wonderful 2023!
Setting goals for the upcoming year is always good. Helps you have some aim. Considering how last few years have been thanks to the pandemic getting out and about seems like a much needed goal.
You have a busy lists of goals and they are exciting too. Can’t wait to see you crushing them. 2023 is the year.
That’s awesome that you guys did a getaway ad hope you guys enjoy more data together. I wish you the best of luck doing your goals.