Anyone else believe there is something romantic about starting a new year? I love the endless possibilities that come with the fresh start. Each year, Caleb & I plan a date night where we sit down, reflect on the past year, and talk about our dreams for the next year. What do we want 2024 to look like? When we sit down in December 2024 to reflect on the year, what made 2024 stand out as our best year? What made it so amazing? We think about where we are and where we want to be. And then we set our goals for 2024.
I 100% believe in the power of writing down a goal and have seen so many of my goals come true year after year. So here I am- writing them down again. Below are some of my goals for 2024! I also have a private vision board on my Pinterest with inspiration for the year.
Date nights :: Caleb & I got a little better about setting date nights this past year, but they mostly revolved around events other people invited us to or events we were obligated to attend. We need to be more intentional about planning date nights for ourselves. This year I want to plan at least 1 date night out of the home a month. I would REALLY love to plan another trip just the two of us, but I’m not sure that is realistic for this next year.
Read :: Before kids I loved reading! Now, it’s just harder to prioritize time to sit and read. So recently, I’ve spent more time listening to podcasts or listening to audio books. In 2024 I want to read (or listen to) at least 1 book a month and listen to at least 2 podcasts a week.
Community :: I am beyond thankful for the community we’ve been building in our new home. We are surrounded by the most incredible people and the Lord answered in ways we could have only dreamed of! In 2024 I want to continue cultivating these relationships.
Wake up earlier :: I’ve never been a morning person, but in 2024 I really want to be better about waking up at least 30 minutes earlier to have some more ‘me’ time.
Travel :: There is so much we want to see in California that is just a quick drive away! So I would love to do at least 2 little getaways this year. {Any recommendations? A few places on our list are Santa Barbara, San Diego, Catalina, & Tahoe} We already have 1 trip planned to Big Bear with friends & are so excited to explore! We’ve also signed Cayson up for summer camp, so we will be heading to Missouri for a couple weeks in July. But in a dream situation, we would find time to sneak a trip in to Europe. We just updated all of our passports and renewed our Global Entry- so fingers crossed!
Cook more :: I love baking, but cooking doesn’t come naturally to me. I would love to get better about cooking at home & trying new recipes. Anyone have a go to meal they love?
French :: I’ve been attempting to learn French for years. I took 2 years of it in high school, 2 semesters of it in college, purchased Pimsluer French (but have only made it through the first unit) and practice on the Duolingo app every night. In 2024 I want to complete at least one Pimsluer lesson a week (it usually takes me multiple times of listening to one lesson to feel confident) and continue my daily Duolingo practice.
Fitness :: I’ve never been super consistent about working out. But I do really enjoy beach bike rides, long walks & Pvolve. In 2024 my goal is to go for at least 2-3 bike rides or walks a week and at least 1 Pvolve workout a week.
Blogging :: This little corner of the internet has been like a personal diary of mine over the last 13+ years (I can’t believe it has been that long!). I’ve loved sharing my favorite things, what I’m learning, travel tips I’ve learned and basic life updates. Cayson’s first couple years of life were so well documented on here and I would love to get back into posting consistently. My goal is to post at least 1 written blog post, 1 instagram feed post & 3 TikToks a week.
Bible Study :: Caleb & I LOVED our community group in NYC and have really missed having a group of friends who we actively dove into the Word with. We’ve started planning a Bible study with our friends here, but in 2024 I want to really make it happen.
Less screen time :: My job literally requires me to be on my phone. But I would love to spend more time ‘offline’ this year.
Create family year books :: This has been a goal of mine the last 2 years and I haven’t done it yet. My phone is FILLED with photos I adore. This year I want to sit down every Sunday night and choose at least 5 pictures from the week to upload to an album. Then at the end of the year I can upload the album to a program and have them printed in coffee table style books. Anyone have a company they’ve made quality, coffee-table-style books from before?
What is one of your goals for 2024?
photos by Allie Whitney Photography

I set goals each year, but don’t know that I have ever actually checked them at the end of the year. I might have to adjust how I do mine this year!
I think you’ll crush these goals this year. Good luck with the French. It’s such a beautiful language.
Thank you for sharing your goals for the New Year – I am sure you will be successful. You’ve also encouraged me with some ideas for my own goals. Happy New Year!
Your goals for 2024 are clear and inspiring. I appreciate your thoughtful planning and ambition. Best wishes for achieving all you’ve set out to do. Stay focused and resilient on your journey. Your determination shines through your words.
Your family photos are beautiful! So many great pictures. I like these goals for 2024 — I could get behind any of these myself.
I love every list of your 2024 goals. They are all beautiful most especially about the Bible study.
Every list of your 2024 goals that you have provided me with is very impressive. Enjoy the 2024 year!