Confession- I’m not a morning person. But I do really love my morning routine! It has taken me years to curate the perfect morning routine and I can really tell a difference in how my day progresses when I do {and when I don’t} start my morning right. So if you’re looking to elevate your morning, I highly recommend adding some of my morning routine to your own!
- 5 Minute Journal :: The moment I roll over to turn off my alarm, I grab my 5 Minute Journal. It is the simplest addition to my morning routine and literally makes such a large impact in my attitude.
- Read :: I then read my morning devotional and one page from this book. I’ve been really loving this quick devotional book and this inspirational book by Hoda Kotb.
- Make my Bed :: I then get out of bed and make it immediately. There is science that proves making your bed makes the rest of your day more productive. If you’re looking to upgrade your bed, you need to read this post!
- Stretch :: Ideally I would love to squeeze in a proper workout or yoga session, but for now I spend at least 2-5 minutes stretching to get my blood flowing.
- Drink a glass of water :: I’ve been adding lemon to my water first thing in the morning and love knowing I’m hydrating my body as I start the day.
- Skin care :: After years of trying dozens {if not hundreds} of different products, I’ve finally found a handful of products I really love. I love starting and ending my day by taking care of my skin.
- Get dressed :: Getting dressed sends signals to your brain that you are preparing for your day and studies show people are more productive when they get dressed. Sometimes this means throwing on a dress and other days it means a pair of leggings and an oversized button-down or sweater.
- Enjoy a coffee :: Caleb makes me a coffee each morning
Do you have a favorite part of your morning routine?
pjs :: sheets :: duvet :: duvet comforter
decorative linen pillows found at a local boutique
{most of the items above are pricy,
but try the code CHLOEBARNOLD40 for a discount}

I bought the 5 minute journal after you shared it on Instagram and love it! I look forward to writing in it each morning!
What a lovely way to start your morning. I need to incorporate some of these tips into my routine. I too often wake up and start rushing around.
I’m not a morning person either. I think everyone should have a daily routine at least to begin the day. I love the idea of journaling. Thanks for sharing
I love having a set morning routine. Mine differs slightly on weekends than on weekdays. On weekdays, I wake up, brush my teeth, take my medicine, do a 10 minute strength workout then 10 minute yoga or 20 minute yoga or 20 minute dance. Then follow that with my shower, makeup, hair, dressing, etc. so I am ready to get breakfast going when my boys wake at 6:30 to get ready for school.
This was very inspiring. I never thought to journal and read devotions before even getting out of bed. Might actually help me stay more consistent.
That’s smart to stretch even if you can’t get time for a full yoga workout in. Gets the blood moving.
I have been using the 5 minute journal for years. It is a life saver! I also make my bed every morning, because then at least I got one thing accomplished! LOL Good for you to have such a nice morning routine!
It’s always good to be able to follow a morning routine. My days are now interrupted by the babies haha. Really want to have my routine comes back soon.
This is nice! I have never imagined having a morning routine since I am also not a morning person. Thank you for sharing what you do and you just inspire me.
I usually journal late at night but I would love to try doing that first thing in the morning.