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Nelson Mandela

Something about the word “settling” has always made me uneasy. There are a plethora of areas in life in which you have the ability to “settle.” Relationships, jobs, joy, etc. I am aware that complete perfection does not exist, but many times there is beauty in the imperfection. Nelson Mandela’s quote is a great reminder not to settle for less than what you are capable of. There is no reason to give up dreams or standards and no reason to settle. Wait patiently and fear nothing but our God.

My dad reminds me that in life humans tend to have the thought process ‘that won’t happen to me’ or ‘why me,’ when in reality our thought process should be ‘why NOT me?’ We can accomplish just about anything we set our minds to. Be passionate, patient and diligent in prayer.

I’m not saying it is always going to be easy, but I am saying that it will be worth it.


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